Marijuana Products for Period Pain?

The Doctors discuss Whoopi Goldberg’s new line of cannabis-infused products geared toward providing relief for women during …


  1. Psychoactive” isn’t a negative effect. The term simply means that it alter the brain in such a way that it differs from something usual mental/physical state. The can manifest in behavior changes, physical effects like alertness, lessening fatigue, and other things.

  2. If you’re worried about eating too much during your period then your cramps are not that bad at all… I can barely eat anything or move around much during my period because the cramps and naseau are so intense.

  3. I’d rather smoke weed to take away cramps than take pain medication. For doctors, they’re stupid. Whoopi’s products aren’t getting you high, they’re relieving pain. It’s not the THC, it’s the CBD. God they really didn’t do any fucking research before recording this episode.

  4. People were using weed for medical use for centuries but western doctor think it needs more research 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we are so smart were dumb

  5. Why do men always have to make it about them??? ITS LEGIT PAIN! Men have a cold and they ass is crying to their wives. STFU and do your research!
    How are y'all dr's and gnna assume that working women with endometriosis and dysmenorrhea prefer to get high over lowering the menstrual pain? FIRST OF ALL WE WOULD BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE IF WE TOOK THE MUSCLE RELAXERS THE DR'S PRESCRIBE UA ALREADY..
    I've passed out from the pain! CBD from Marijuana would be the least of my problems! Shoot even THC would be better than having to take a heavy dose of Vicodin.


  6. Omg, save me from these people. Why do they waste everyone's time non knowing at all about the plant. Just invite Maya or Whoopi to talk about it. Makes me feel crazy.

  7. These products work. Thank goodness this video is 2 years old. I've lost over $3k in the past year from my dysmenorrhea and inability to get out of bed most days. If you think this is for the discomfort that comes from menstrual cramps then it's not something you should use. This is for severe pain and things like endometriosis.

  8. They are CBD products and the tinctures have a ratio of CBD/THC.. we sold her product at the shop I worked at and I tried every single product and there aren't any negative side effect, the tinctures on the other hand being that there is a small percent of THC so just like everything Else everyone's body's reaction to it is going to be different. But the soaks ARE AMAZING!!!

  9. of course the men at the end had to make it about themselves and ask "what about me?". I'm sorry you feel left out but when the lining of your uterus begins shedding then we can talk. it is so irritating that the only person taking this seriously is the obgyn, which is the same for women in real life. everyone else just says "oh go take an advil its fine" and majority of the time only your obgyn takes you seriously. The buzzfeed girls tried this and didn't get munchies or paranoid, as someone who suffers with sever menstrual pain i am excited someone is taking a step forward with women health. her products include things like bath soaks, warming body rubs, etc.

  10. who's this idiot in a suit saying Whoopie's post menopausal ? & COME ON Dr's–like there are not already COUNTLESS STUDIES? In highly resected medical programs not the least of which is UCLA? OH I just heard someone call him Drew–why is he even allowed to have a voice? He is offensive, sexist & so full of himself! A perfect example of where Medicine of the 20th Century went really wrong & what is WRONG with the profession of Dr! I say this as a women in her 60's who GREW UP in medical school, as a little girl serving coffee & sandwiches & from 13-14 or so going to the medical library to research for a father who was a medical professor & institute director.

  11. The fucked up thing is majority of these doctors dnt take the meds prescribed….I mean there quick to look for a solution to pander to the issue with pills, birth control, even major antidepressants that I dnt need. my hormones make me depressed as fuck but I have a hormone imbalance= pcos and endometriosis.
    I smoke daily and I dab globs of thc I do cbd oil tinctures!!it stops the spasms the crazy flutters and even my own pulsing in the cysts from the swelling hurts😭😭 bless California for meds I need so that I can go to work.
    I'm a Baker I make everything by hand. my job is considered high labor and I go in ironically baked😉 my boss knows…everyone fucking knows but know one cares cause Im still able to do my job. people saying it changes you, so does antidepressants it even says that it can make my depression worse…weed never did that to me. I'm not saying everyone needs to go out and try it but it's so easy for them to practice what they do and they dnt pay for it, literally.
    Even worse it sucks to be an experiment because honestly what else are you when your sitting on that stupid table? might as well be shouting vowels in hangman until you've hung… and it's my health my life that it affects not the doctors..
    but yet taking a pill is seen as okay and safe… im just saying this helps me and just because you dnt want it or have a need for it doesn't mean that you should condemn someone else to a life of pain and misery.

    everyone has a basic rights we don't have a choice in being born but we have a basic right to live and die how, and where at least! or am I just crazy😞😞

  12. Me being a teen in high school and having cramps so bad, I have been put on the lowest dose of birth control, but now because it hasn't worked they have upped my dose. Still no improvement. I think this is a great idea! I have done my research on Whoopi's products she is putting out, and as far as I can tell, the only thing that will actually get you high, is the edibles. There is oils, rubs, and bath soaks that will only get you body high (relaxation and relief). I've had cramps since my first period at 11 years old. And I've struggled every month for 3-5 days in absolute pain, in which some cases would take me out of school. If and when I'm able to try this, I definetly will!

  13. Any thing given from nature or God if u choose is meant to be a tool for us. Any thing made from man is meant to poison us. Realign ur thoughts on this matter and dig a little deeper before u judge.

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