Missouri voters pass Amendment 3 to legalize recreational marijuana

Missouri voters approved Constitutional Amendment 3. The amendment proposed the legalization of the sale of recreational …


  1. Looking at the map in the thumbnail, it's apparently evident that rural folks just hate marijuana, I guess they're still stuck in the '80s reganite era where "drugs are bad for you", goes to show you that farm folks are just disconnected from reality and what's acceptable, screw the religious things that they want to believe in

  2. Love to see it. 0 overdoses of Marijuana, it's a cheap alternative to pain meds, and a much needed source of tax revenue and a good tax savings by decreasing the amount of legal resources wasted on pursing legal action on such a low level substance which I'd say is less harmful than alcohol. That said i still wrong be buying because I'm not much of a smoker. Maybe like once every 6 months

  3. What is this telling the surrounding states that still consider it illegal? Entering & leaving Missouri might just be an opportunity for adjoining state drug enforcement task forces to expand. Border stops & searches will be like banana republic countries. If you have never travelled in Central America you just might be in for a taste of it here in the good ol US. Getting caught with Contraband is a big thing in Central America & can get you cuffed & imprisoned for years. There will be drug sniffing dogs at those border crossings. Impulse may have overridden the logic of surrounding state attitudes & laws.

  4. Can't wait for all these stoners to show up high at the gun range. Every stoner in Missouri can come out the closet now with their AR15…no need to hide it now. Nothing screams freedom more than puffing on a blunt while your loading up another 50 round drum ya know.

  5. I am glad it finally happened after all these years! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am surprised they did it first before Florida though. Really, if it's legal in DC, by default, it should be taken off the federal level for everyone!

  6. Just another reason to move out of Missouri. This is one of the two reasons I left Illinois – after they legalized it, every f@cking apartment building reeked like skunk. Go to work or the grocery store, and everywhere is nasty skunk smell. ๐Ÿคข

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