Petitioners deliver 100,000 signatures for recreational marijuana in Colorado Springs

On Friday morning, a local citizens group that is pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana sales in Colorado Springs, …


  1. What the old man didn't say is that people are resorting to "underground" or "black market" marijuana because it's stupid expensive if you don't get your stuff from Pueblo. Those that don't want to make the drive get their stuff from illegal dealers, running the risk of a joint being laced with whatever the dealer wants.

  2. Southern & City Council are taking Medical Marijuana tax for roads was not part of the deal. Why did Suthers Demand $$$ from Manitou Recreational marijuana tax $$$??. I went to school w/ corrupt John Suthers, he's always been a BAD PERSON

  3. I feel way better about sounding off and cursed out the petitioners at the mall!! They lied 🤥 about the purpose and started an altercation that almost resulted in a serious fight outside the food court!!! Next time I see a petitioners imma take their paperwork and burn it 🔥

  4. All I hear from this mayor is blah blah blah I'm an idiot! Really wants to pass up a chance for even a decent chunk of that money back? No wonder this city and it's residents can't have anything nice!

  5. You think they would get millions of signatures to outlaw same sex marriage,transgenderism, humanism, cloning, Georgia guide stones, CERN and all the satanic idols in USA? Wakeuppppp

  6. Legalize retail sales and at the next mayoral election send the mayor packing. Won't be long and the federal government will legalize cannabis and Colorado Springs will still be in the dark ages.

  7. They only want the weed legal now because it's now genetically modified to be addicting .. and cause abnormal behavior and diminish brain development for further control of the next generation… Specially dispensaries, sinister plan. But everyone will be happy cause they're high.

  8. Drinking and drunk driving isn’t beneficial to the city’s well being either! C.Springs had gone to pot way way back! Granny and Pappy had some top shelf goodies! We turned out fine!

  9. He's right, this isn't your grandmother and grandfather's marijuana. No, Grandma and Grandpa had much better marijuana! They had access to the stuff from Afghanistan, Colombia, Thailand, and things called Maui Wowie, Colombian Gold, and Purple Sinse. He speaks as if it's going to be readily available to young people, but it is regulated and you have to be a certain age to purchase so his claims are unfounded. His citizens ARE going to continue to drive and buy and all those tax dollars are going with them. He's so out of touch with reality.

  10. The mayor must not be very bright if he thinks not having recreational in the city limits will prevent anything. Its a five minute drive to Manitou Springs where the highest grossing recreational dispensery in the world is located. He is basically declining of millions of dollars annually that could be put to use by the community when he takes this stance.

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