Recognizing the Visual Cues of a Cannabis Plants Flower Size and Development

Recognizing the Visual Cues of a Cannabis Plants Flower Size and Development Professor DeBacco Flower Size Is Not The …


  1. Could you give me a little more info on what second cut buds are? And a follow-up question on a different topic is on my flowering plants some of the top fan leafs by the bud are turning a deep purple, would you happen to know why that is? Really appreciate the video 🤝👍

  2. If fan leaves weren't given enough nutrients through flower and turn yellow and die from bottom to top is there much reason to keep flowering any longer if they're gone? Thank you sir

  3. It's difficult to grow big dense buds in high humidity areas like coastal foggy regions just a heads up. Medium is okay and most likely to make it all the way to harvest without mold and PM. Night time can be 90% humidity and 30% daytime, the swings are hard the big flowers. Adjust to your area accordingly.

  4. Awesome video' many to go and rewatch as I grow my canabis….will you do a video on making a super soil with recipes and correct amendments…I truly would appreciate that for my next. Grow.
    Again a sincere thankyou .I about to finish up my first grow…it turned out successful…..but I can do better. HK

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