StepDad Thought He Can Kill Our Dog & Hit Me Until He Met My Lawyer Who Made Him Regrettttt!

Story :- A wild step father story of the jerk of the year award. Thanks for joining me today guys Smash that subscribe button and …


  1. We have a Terrier that is soon to be 12 years old, having Epilepsie since being 3, living with us since 2018. We knew that he had Epilepsie, so we thought we were prepared.

    After the first week he had 10 seizures within less than 48 hours, veterinarian clinic took him in on Sunday night, 1500€ later we got him back.
    Toom us 1 1/2 years to get the medication adjusted, every time we tried to slim one out (emergency medication, usually only used for long term on humans) he started ro have episodes (up to 10 seizures within 48 hours).
    We got him with unclear vaccination history due to him being left to die from the first owner and second owner only having him 6 months.

    We had sleepless nights as he screamed with the seizures and bumped his head on the floor with force, our other pets were scared in the beginning.

    Additionally he was never socialized, did not know how to play and the medication made him THIRSTY, so he needs diapers even with me being in Hom Office

    Putting him down: not sure how this is handled in the US, but here the dog would most certainly only be brought into a shelter and remain there until he dies of natural cause of no one else adopts him

    It's better now, but we would never again knowingly adopt a dog with Epilepsie

  2. So mother and OP let the step dad be an abusive ass until things escalated? Why didnt they hit back or throw his butt out? Men like that are usually cowards that back down when their opponent stands up for themselves

  3. You guys should have put this dog down way before this this is not fair to the dog to be left suffering because you're afraid of how your sister would react this is not okay I had a dog that I had to put down and he probably should have been put down sooner than he was but when it became a problem too big of an issue for him we put him down he no longer want down the steps to go to the bathroom huh So we have to carry him down he's not a little dog either and carry him down the stairs so he can go and then pick him back up so he can come back in the house My dog was deaf blind and now arthritis it was time I mean my dog was 21 years old when he died I got my dog and I was 6 months old and my parents had to finally put him down when I was 21 we talked about it It wasn't fair to him as much as I didn't want to let you know ain't no I had to which was his favorite and obviously we've never had a dog sense My mother tried I guess a couple of times of the puppy he had should forgot you know since he forgot what it was like to have a puppy because her daughter listens so well because there's with us for 21 years you know we had the perfect dog but my mother forgot all the training that they put into the dog to make them that way so the puppies didn't go well a couple times with my mom me and I just haven't found a dog that I feel that way about yet although my husband and I are talking about getting one so I'll probably get one beer before I let the kids around the house and I have time to spend with the dogs cuz I'm not working any longer so it's the best time to do what I think but it's not fair to keep them to keep them suffering it's really not it's not fair you guys don't tell you what kind of pain he is in that's where you guys have to decide for him doing it out of the love notice or so and it needs to be but your father your stepfather is plain and simple

  4. You are all very fortunate that this girl did not kill herself before you guys decided to do something about it this girl should have been in counseling way before and even got this bad you guys should have been here for her at the very beginning and the fact that you I understand that being able to stand up for yourself I'm that person I cannot do conflict and it comes from a different place you know I was in a very abusive relationship for a long time and you know I learned that if you stand up for yourself you get a black eye so it took me a long time to get out of not be able to stand up for myself so I get that it took my now husband very long time to get in to even help me break down that kind of stuff I still have issues doing it but I no longer run in the corner with my hands over my face waiting for the next blow her you know or have a flashback it's been a while but I still need to be pushed a little bit too stand up for myself when I get walked all over and when I did get walked over a lot now in effect teaching me how to stand up for myself he is very protective I think it's why I can finally open up to him his his protection instinct is a lot stronger than most men his mother used to be abuse so anyways I think it's why I feel safe with them but I couldn't stand up for myself but I stood up for my kids once it became a problem to make it I didn't notice the emotional stuff but once he hit my kid that was it and they were his kids I had no way you know my son will just send her why do you stay with him and I just like him and why you know why do you do that to you and say wait a minute my 10 year old is telling me I'm doing something wrong he's right I didn't walk away that even after you broke my back I called away laugh out loud no I am too affected my children I did not get up once it affected my children I was out of there they couldn't stand up for themselves I had to stand up for them and their mother so your mother wants it affected your sister should have been able to put her foot down I'm sorry make sure a horrible parent you want to be abused be abused but you don't allow your kids to be abused and she knows that's what he was doing at that point you don't text somebody when they're down not if you love them so your stepfather doesn't give a rats behind about you or your sister and probably doesn't look like he cares too much for your mother either I don't understand it you know I do understand I said the beauty of you being abuser taking the abuse on yourself check it out on me instead of looking at me you know type thing you're not alone when I get to bring a man like this in your children's life and not protect them and I'm going to stop now I'm harassing and abused woman but I am one of them and I'm telling you you know that that is just wrong

  5. IT WAS UR MOTHERS RESPONSIBILITY to Provide a safe home for her children , your mother is a terrible mother , she let her husband abuse her children . Your mother is not entitled to be rewarded for raising u , it was her duty to do it and she failed miserably .. op mother is at fault for exposing u and sister to such a hostile home life for so many years . She is not a victim , she is a failure .

  6. Hey I think he took a life " to me a life is a life. Human or animal". He should be serving 25 to life just for the violent way he killed poor Skippy, and at least 3 more years for punching and knocking out OP.
    He is vile and disgusting. He needs more time. He probably will get more time, he'll hit someone in prison or even kill them, then he won't get out.

  7. "since no one wanted to take care of him he should be put down"
    wrong. right thing, wrong reason. he should be put down because his quality of life was horrible.

  8. Your step father was a POS and is definitely where he belongs. As for poor Skippy you shouldn't have kept the dog if you couldn't take care of him. Getting mad at a dog with medical issues is so ignorant, did you try telling your sister you couldn't take care of him? Didn't she help after work? You guys could of sent him to a shelter, got a different vet/ tried different meds. Even had him euthanized if really needed it. I know because I own a 3yr. Old Pomeranian with seizures. Also you really should think long and hard before getting another dog…

  9. It's so sad that this family, all 3 of them, put up with such an abusive jerk for so many years just because they were too afraid of the hardship they might face without him. They went through so much pain basically because they feared the unknown. They chose the devil they knew over what might be waiting for them if they tried to make it on their own. That's a pretty common choice, a lot of people make it every day, but it's always tragic just the same.

  10. Poor Skippy should NEVER have been subjected to Anyone in that family!!!!
    Plus, am I the only one that thinks the SD was hitting (about the head) Skippy before He Killed him?? Brain injuries can often result in “mysterious/sudden” seizures. I had a TBI in ‘96 & started having Seizures out of the blue 20yrs after the injury.

  11. I don't believe it. Assault on female is a serious misdemeanor, as is cruelty to animals. I don't know what State or Country you reside. However, I don't know of any jurisdiction which sentences a defendant to ten years for those charges.Further, if Skippy was suffering that much, as described, it would have been more merciful to put him to sleep by a veterinarian. So, I call BS!

  12. I'm sorry but sister acted all high and mighty when she willingly stopped taking care of the dog fully? Unless she worked 16 hours per day there was time to take him out for walks, feed him and play with him.

  13. I dont know how he only got 10 years and i would tell the OP to get a restraining order effective as soon as he gets out. My dog had epilepsy. Its terrifying but he has a case of domestic abuse, assault AND ANIMAL CRUELTY. Not to mention that POS hit someone full force. He deserves to suffer as prisoners are usually given dogs to give them companionship and they wont take kindly to him beating a dog to death.

  14. I hope that the stepdad has a cell mate with a similar mentality as him, but is bigger than the stepdad. Let him spend the next 10 years the same way OP, her sister, and Skippy did. As for OP’s mom, it looks like she was just another statistic about abused women.

  15. So op didnt take the dog even knowing the stepdad was abusive. Plus it took the death of the dog before mom stood up to her husband. What if he beat any of the kids to death? Would she have stood up for them then?

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