1. I’m sorry but I can relate with bill with a pot brownie but I had a totally different experience. So I just recently graduated high school and one night my sister is like a sophomore at this point and it’s the weekend and well Me and my mom were unaware she had gotten into smoking weed and her friend have brought over this tray and I saw it and thinking “ mom must of made these for the sleep over” so I take one and eat it like I was being sneaky . Then maybe 5 minutes go by I’m still fine but my mom gets a call and tells me “ son your orientation for your job at the restaurant is tonight “ at this point I’ve eaten 2 of them so I hop in the shower get ready and so on.
    My mom drives me to my orientation NOW 20 minutes later!!! I start to feel a bit off. I become part deaf,wobbly and dropping dishes and for the rest of the night they put me as the dish washer boy. 1 hour of orientation they say thank you we’ll see you on Monday. My mom picks me up asks me how it went I say good go to my bedroom and crash immediately. Next morning I wake up ask my sister and her friend what was in those brownies and they go “ OH SHIT”

    And my mom hears this from the kitchen making breakfast for everyone and comes in and asks what’s wrong
    GUESS WHO GOT AN EAR FULL OF A LIFE TIME. my mom suspended my sister of sleep overs for a month and watched her and her friends like a hawk like she’s airport security to make sure no weed ever came in her house ever again.

  2. Please, Please, PLEASE produce a CD or DVD of your final tour for those of us who could not travel to a city to see you live.
    Have loved you since the '80s.
    And have several of your previous albums.

  3. You can get used to Percocet but it takes years of home cooked beans, brats and sour kraut, etc. I was up to morphine… after a hernia surgery!! There's no sitting up after that so imagine it just as Bill described but sitting sideways like you're in a lazyboy at 90 degrees and you CAN NOT PUSH!!! Worked myself back to OXY 15 and then 10mg but I need a few more years of therapy to drop to a lesser pain med

  4. In 1967 I was a nursing student. Told to remove a gentleman's catheter. Unfortunately, I didn't know you had to DEFLATE IT FIRST! Poor guy…he survived as I was crying…but I did learn how to PROPERLY remove a cath!

  5. Bill is correct on the Dilaudid. I had some kind of stomach cramp and every time I got a morphine shot, the pain came back in less than 5 minutes. Finally they pushed some Dilaudid in me. Oh my God, I was in pure heaven.

  6. "When you get high for the first time, there should be someone there to help you."
    Actually, yes. This is the responsible thing to do. I've never used pot in any form and don't have any plans to unless there's a medical reason (just not my thing; I don't drink either), but even I know two things; 1, you want a trip-sitter for your first time at the very least, and 2, go easy on the brownies. 😀
    I'm a bit surprised that neither the doctor nor the dispensary person gave him more information. Or perhaps this is just embellishment for the act. Either way, very fun performance.

  7. Real talent, laughed so hard I cried. Saw him live recently and he still has it. So glad, like so many others have said, he’s hysterical without the cussing. We need more of that.❤

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