BREAKING NEWS | Massive gas explosion in Boksburg

A number of people have been killed and others critically injured in a gas tanker explosion in Boksburg, east of Johannesburg.


  1. Sending Our Thoughts Prayer & Deepest Sympathies To All Families Who have Lost Loved Ones… May The Peace oF Jesus Christ … Be Your Comfort & Consolation …. Amen … CondolenCes From .. Kzn …

  2. My condolences to all the families. This should never have happened in the first place.
    Surely the company that this employee works for, did a 'pre risk assessment analysis', on the safe route that was needed to be taken, to avoid this catastrophe? Especially if you are transporting such a highly dangerous 'bomb' ?

  3. You will always have job seekers that lie about work experience on their cv's, but it up to the company to weed out the liers and hire competent people. Especially when the job is high risk with the potential of causing such destruction. Although it won't bring back their loved ones, but the famalies should sue the company. Maybe it'll deter the other truck companies from operating with impunity on our roads.

  4. Truckers should always know exactly how high their vehicles are. It happens all too often that trucks hit overpasses or bridges, because the drivers don't care. Only that the consequences are mostly not that extreme as in this unfortunate incident.

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