CarnivoreDoctor Tuesday MEATY MUSINGS Live

Carnivore Conversations Q and A I am a carnivore since 2009 for almost 14 yrs I am a practicing optometric physician for over 30 …


  1. Hi Lisa! I enjoyed your Saturday morning group coaching session. Thank you so much.ā¤ as I mentioned in the group, this was the first Christmas and New Years in which I just stuck to my carnivore diet and it was actually very pleasant. There was no cravings because I stated fat fueled. No struggle! Only freedom!

  2. Do you feel itā€™s vitally important to eat only grass fed grass finished beef? Iā€™m concerned because I regularly eat the regular beef because the grass fed is so very expensive.

  3. How or will I ever get to a point, especially eating out, not have a bit of lemon in that shrimp cocktail or dry spices on steak? Please help. Iā€™m keto , now ketovore and struggling with blandness in these situations which is why I havenā€™t gone completely carnivore yet. Also, there are still Harvard publications and others who claim saturated fat is still more dangerous. Iā€™m new here and would love to here some of your thoughts. Thanks

  4. I just realized Iā€™m four days late putting in my commentā€¦ but ā€¦ I started carnivore on Monday, January 2, todayā€™s Saturday January 7 ā€¦ And I am having sugar cravingsā€¦ My stomach is fullā€¦ But my brain is looking for sugarā€¦
    A couple of days ago I saw your YouTube on creating brown butter, to support cravingsā€¦ (Iā€™ve had somebody send me a recipe so Iā€™ve tried it before, but it did not turn out wellā€¦
    Your YouTube video was very clear with the visual, the audio (sound of crackling butter cooking) and I believe I created it correctlyā€¦
    I wanted to let you know that making it at least changed my focus to something other than looking for something to corral the cravingā€¦
    I also would like to let you know that I appreciate your YouTube channel immenselyā€¦ please continue the Q&A sessionsā€¦
    I do work long hrsā€¦ And only get on YouTube every once in a while to see whatā€™s new ā€¦ So I do miss some of these livesā€¦
    I will try to catch the next oneā€¦ If you have it at a standard day and standard time

  5. Hello! I've been a Follower for a while now, and Re-committed this month to strict Carnivore. THANK YOU for "calling it what it is!" (Sugar Addiction). Question: I keep meaning to ask … HOW I can have "brighter eyes," and improve the health of the "whites" of my eyes (sclera?)? Any thoughts? I'm re-committed to Carnivore. Off caffeine, drinking Decaf, and, hope to eliminate that soon too. I'm a 60 yr. woman. Thank you for the excellent content!

  6. Happy New Year I too live in NJ but further south of you. I canā€™t wait for your meetup in July. It will be my first one. I just started carnivore in September. Starting my fifth month right now and turning 60 on the 12th this month. I hope my body is healing cause itā€™s taking forever to lose weight. But I hear ya when you say be patient after all itā€™s been a few decades of horrible eating. Looking forward to Tuesday evening lives. Thank you šŸ’•

  7. Thank you so much for your videos I identify with your struggle with sugar that's me!!!!! I'm 63 and want to be healthy and energized for the rest of my daysšŸ˜Š

  8. Hi. You mentioned that "coffee is so.unhealthy". That is the first time I have heard that. Can you.provide study info? Last I heard, coffee drinkers had a significant reduced rate of pancreatic cancer. Thank you.

  9. Itā€™s interesting because I feel like a huge part of the carnivore space is really hyper focused on their ā€œfood addictionā€ and bingeing disorder but thereā€™s something underneath that. Itā€™s not just about eliminating the food and then the eating disorder is gone. Eating disorder recovery requires therapy and mental treatment. Not just taking out all the foods and only eating meat. Thatā€™s only one aspect. Iā€™m wonderingā€¦. do any of these carnivore influencers actually go to therapy to work on the inner work on WHY they were binge eating or WHY theyā€™re food addicts. It just seems like theyā€™re fixing one extreme of Ed with another,

  10. Update, I wasnā€™t eating enough salt. So I increased and am all good to go! And no, wonā€™t be touching fiber any longer. That gave me severe constipation plus more scientfic research says fiber over works the colon to the point of causing colon cancer. Look at the history of fiber since it began to be consumed by humans. Causes all sorts of health problems- from cavities, cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease. Go watch Bart Kay, Dr. Berry, Dr. Baker, and Dr. Chaffee if you have any question about fiber. It is sugar and processed as such. I wonā€™t be touching it again.

    Former message: I had my first leg cramp last night on Carnivore since mid Sept. I heard eating enough meat cN prevent that. Keto chow has boron so donā€™t want to take that. I use Redmands sea salt on my food. I assume the leg cramp is from electrolyte issues. What to use to prevent leg cramps and constipation from electrolytes issues. I eat mainly beef ribeyes, 80/20 ground beef, some eggs. Had eaten chicken but didnā€™t know was vegetarian fed over christmas over weekā€™s time so not eating that anymore. And over christmas ate a large batch of scrambled eggs that caused constipation as well. They were bitla farm pasture eggs that are pasture raised 5 days of week and discovered they are grain fed 2 days of week of vegetarian food- think soy. So cut those out for a bit.

  11. Love the name "meaty mousings" lol love what you do girl! Thanks for being a big support to me without even knowing it! I an 2 years carnivore and just living my life. But I love to ingest content like yours. Got to keep those mirror neurons firing like dr boz says! Love you!

  12. What do you think of the notion that small fish like ( herring mackerel , sardines , anchovies , oysters and so on ) don't accumulate mercury or heavy metals like the big fish does? Some even suggest that these small fish are safe to eat 'em daily & there is nothing to worry about mercury build up in our blood from these small fish. Could you please make a 5 or 10 minutes video to clarify the myth and facts about this issue?

  13. Hi Dr. Lisa! Thank you so much for your wonderful Content.

    You are so likable and so professional. Thank you. -I have a little bit of a hangup maybe you could help me withā€¦ Or maybe I just need some education on it. The factory farms-the cruelty in the environment of these poor animals are ā€œliving quote in. The GMO feed that these poor animals are eatingā€¦
    What are your thoughts on the inadvertent support of these farms basically contributing to the cruelty of animals.
    Iā€™ve made a conscious choice not to support them. And only buying organic at the very least pasture raised beef.
    I would absolutely love your input, though.
    Thank you so much and God bless you šŸ’–

  14. Watching the replay.
    I did eat sardines for the first time because I was having food aversion and sardines in water is supposed to be good for you.
    Didnā€™t think I would even try it, but heard to put them in the fridge overnight to cut the odor. So I did….
    Made myself eat it the next day.
    Didnā€™t like it, but it was doable.
    Enjoyed the talk.
    Thanks for sharing your experience!

  15. I've been tolerating sardines by mixing with a couple of tbsp of Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime mayo plus a bit of ho sauce. Then eat with Cheese Whisps. šŸ‘ Also White Anchovies from Wild Planet are milder than sardines.

  16. I canā€™t find a pure beef bone broth that is pure bone broth without any additives. If I donā€™t have time to make it would be nice to buy in store for quick need. Anyone know of brands that is just plain beef bone broth?

  17. Good morning Carnivore Doctor and fellow Carnivores. For well over a century, people have found it somewhat astonishing that H.G. Wells was able to get so close to the truth when writing science fiction about space travel in the future. When we contemplatethe most well known sci-fi novel about killer plants. It features the Triffids, a tall and mobile poisonous plant species whose origins are never fully revealed, but speculation has ranged from bioengineering to extraterrestrials.the damage that seemingly innocuous, but in reality, pernicious plants can cause us, perhaps we should consider giving similar tribute to the author John Wyndham and his novel "Day of the Triffids."

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