CBDC Won't Replace The Dollar and Won't Reset The System – Rafi Farber

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  1. On the CBDC issue, I have been telling people in my prepper community the same thing. A CBDC will monetarily be no different than the dollar. The difference will be In track ability and program ability.

  2. If CBDC was backed by gold or silver, it might work,
    but it will still control you and spy on you, so it will not be supported by the people! 😮

  3. I think that the dollar will not be replaced. The BRICS nations may come up with a new currency supposedly backed by gold only they will repeat the same paper derivative ponzi-scheme we have now. A real gold backed system would have to tell its customers "Sorry, we do not have enough physical gold currently to back your purchase request, we will let you know when it can become available." That is not going to happen. The current derivative ponzi-scheme will continue until it completely collapses during an all out global recession.

  4. I think that the cbdc is the gateway drug to hyperinflation. Why go to the trouble of doing the printing with the current technology? What's a possibility is that they'll do a redollarization with cbdc, just cut off zeros. People will have a deadline to turn their cash into cbdc or lose money, and people will have no choice. A old $100 bill becomes $ 50 cbdc. Everyone gets poorer.

  5. The stackers with a small stack are going to have a hard time with a prolonged super inflation before the hyperinflation even starts. They lose a job or their job cuts hours and they still have to deal with stagflation & they sell their small stack to get by. It's going to be frustrating and people should mentally prepare for that scenario, because the powers that be would rather drag this out than to just default overnight, and at least the stackers would still have a shot. It's really messed up that they conned everyone to use their fiat & then keep this thing going even to the breaking point, while keeping silver down, and now the screw up the economy with high inflation and some people are going to be pissed at selling their stack too early and for too cheap!

  6. Great Video! Central banks are buying Gold at the fastest rate in over 50 years. I believe the plan is to roll out a digital dollar backed by Gold. This is the only way they are going to get the confidence back of the people after they destroy the dollar.

  7. Core issue: The fiat no longer has value. None of them and comparing the dollar to another is a waste of effort. The corrupt banking system worldwide has counterfeited the paper into oblivion. The CBDC is more of the same

    First to back their paper starts an avalanche into deflation and the current banking system does not survive. Paper is just paper. Digits are just digits.

  8. The cbdc Qr code is to keep the UBI plebs in line during and after Agenda 2030. I'm crisis investing just like I did for Agenda 21. If ya can't beat the ignoramuses, then just abuse them. Just like the ignoramuses that laughed at Agenda 21 not happening. I made a lot of money off those individuals that towed the forced innoculating/ban everyone/muzzle wearing/tv watching stupidity that was regurgitated and pitched as "life saving decision making".

    I did good on energy also.

    It's a no brainer to me because I'm an Alex Jones of Infowars type of dude. I laugh at all the people complaining conspiracy theory as I burn 90 gallons an hour in my Apache while they fund my fuel tank.

  9. There is a lot of work going on for the gold backed rainbow currency though Gesara Nesara, which will also have a digital currency to it. It's pie in the sky for most. The gold supposedly has been retrieved from under the Vatican. It's a war and there is a lot not talked about as much as people need to get grounded on.

  10. Elon is a tool of the state. Look at where is gets his funding from. He is just currently in a tug of war with who gets to make the most money and decisions from the relationship and hide his affiliation behind that tug of war. Don’t put your faith and future in him.

  11. But CBDC will allow the government to minimize selected price increases, and thus keep CPI in the target range, while the collective governments keep running as many deficits as they wish. For example, they can simply legislate that home purchases must be completed in a certain ratio of CBDC, rather than cash, if the purchase does not involve a mortgage. Or they can restrict how much CBDC can be convertible into cash, such as what already happens with ATM withdrawal limits. So they can shift around the alternative money conversion allowances, while directing people into use of CBDC where they want to sway the spending patterns. CBDC will mostly be a trap with large purchases and benefits and obligations, such as home and land purchases, subsidies, credits, and taxes.

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