Florida limits dosages for medical marijuana, supply

Florida is setting limits on how much marijuana you can consume a day, how much your doctor can prescribe you at one time, and …


  1. Im from Colorado now in FL and I like the way Florida has medical better. I get 2.5 oz of flower a month Plus 25,000 mg of concentrate, 10,000 mg of edibles, and 15,000 mg of sublingual rso oil every 70 days. The way it works down here is time. As long as your not buying huge amounts at once you can almost always go in and get products. The media is doing a very poor job at explaining the new changes and dispensing rules. Not to mention here in FL we don’t have any cap on potency so most of our flower is 20%-35%.

  2. Too many of these lawmakers have tried marijuana, found it wasn't right for them and decided that if three puffs of marijuana was too much for them to handle then five puffs of marijuana must be more than any patient should be aloud for a dose.
    There are people out there so unbelievably ignorant on the subject that they think that because a cancer patient might need half a joint as a dose that someone with a lesser disease couldn't possibly need two joints for a dose or somebody with a milder cancer couldn't possibly need a joint and a half for a toast because they saw somebody with a severe disease need only half a joint.
    The reality is to identical twins with the exact same disease in the exact same symptoms might have several hundred percent difference in their dosages.
    This is what happens when people without medical experience or appropriate medical education are making our medical decisions for us instead of doctors. If the same attitudes were to be applied to any other medication there would be lawsuits.

  3. This is what happens when government is in charge of anything . The federal government has to just decriminalize cannabis and allow the free market to do what it does. Just regulate it like tomatoes as far as I’m concerned. Less government is always a good thing .

  4. I think all those patients will be devastated they cannot get their prescriptions filled. Some of those aches never heal with out such drugs and accessibility.

  5. They are hurting the needy due to bad choices by some. There are people who require high doses daily. They need to rethink this one and quickly

  6. Its crazy to me how a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that was passed by a super majority of Floridians can be shredded to pieces by the state politicians. What a hatchet job. Florida should be ashamed of itself.

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