Georgia family loses custody of son after giving him marijuana to treat seizures

Georgia family loses custody of son after giving him marijuana to treat seizures Subscribe to 13WMAZ for exclusive content: …


  1. Someone call Rick Dickulous this shit is getting out of hsnd,"nah just sit back n watch your kid go through mental retardation before your own eyes" I am floored by the ignorance some people have and by the magic of a lil cannabis oil to just take away what science has been yet to reproduce in a pill or med hopefully Trump can get the federal ban lifted so the fda can give clearance on further research as there is a entourage of cannabinoids that retain medicinal values for different symptoms that have yet to see the light of day in a lab due to federal restrictions. The orange mans got my vote if he can sway congress on that.

  2. We're talking about a harmless fucking PLANT, One which is only illegal because corrupt politicians in the 1930's changed it's name and convinced a naive country that it was deadly, so a few rich white men could get richer. Everyone wants to tell this family what's best for THEIR son? Let's focus our attention on the corruption we're enduring even to this day and support the decision of these folks. It's THEIR decision.

  3. this is why people are standing together to change these unjust laws for more people arent caged or taken away over a plant, does the state think this is going to make citizens change their minds about voting yes? this just makes the system look worse trying to stop parents from doing what they think is best for their child, i bet if they had him strung out on doctor prescribed pain pills that would be perfectly fine strung out on opiods as long as its not a natural plant

  4. In my opinion, please skip the doctor visits. He clearly doesn’t need them when marijuana is giving him his life back. The system is meant to keep your son sick and keep you paying money for these harmful drugs that almost cost your son his life. Do what’s right for your son, god bless you guys

  5. The federal government has no right to regulate a freely growing plant and labeling it a schedule 1 drug. In that case Why not make alcohol or tobacco illegal? Or junk food? The elites clearly don’t want the masses having access to such a medicinal plant with endless benefits. Legalize marijuana President Trump!!!❤️🇺🇸

  6. I am one of the biggest advocates of Cannabis but I have a very hard time believing that extracts were not working. Extracts are concentrated forms of what you were giving your son when you got him to smoke. Here is some advice for you shut the hell up, get a lawyer, and let him/her do the talking now.

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