Governor Sakaja ondoa matatu zote CBD then do this in Nairobi City.

Governor Johnson Sakaja kindly consider introducing trams and more trains after kuondoa matatu buses out of Nairobi CBD.


  1. Perfect. I was in opposition but when Sakaja laid down his plans I was amazed about his unique approach to the much needed solutions.
    I support him fully. We don't need Matatu chaotic scenes, hooting, touts shouting pulling people everywhere, cons and hawkers occupying every inch of the pedestrian walkway slowing everyone down and cut on revenue because time is money.

  2. Remember that you are talking about Nairobi not Canada we don't have that type of infrastructure for now.
    Why should we copy from others yet we can improve our own.

  3. Must we copy everything from someone or somewhere,why don't we embrace our own Kenyan system built by us ,serves us meets our own immediate needs based on our own culture,not comparing everything from those whose whom you persive to get it all right.

  4. Whoever bequeathed Nairobi the matatu system alituuza sana. The Kenya Bus Services were excellent back when Nairobi was the Green City in the Sun. Now we have a matatu, hawker, boda boda, trash and noise-filled dump!

  5. Today in Rome there were no cars allowed in the city. You either take a tram or train or bus. No private cars in the city. At least also the city can breath and clear the smoke a bit.

  6. Yes, we can buy trams. But maintenance Kwa wakenya? All the fare will go into people's pockets like it's happening with SGR. Finally there will be no money to maintain or replace them.
    Lakini, you've not told us kama Kuna matatu in Melbourne.
    And how will the Melbourne model work for us? Ours is a city without parking spaces anywhere, inside or outside CBD. All the land that would have afforded us parking spaces was grabbed by kenyattas, Mois and their cronies.

  7. This is what we need in our major towns. Public transport is not about saving the so called cultures. It's about moving as many people as possible quickly, efficiently, cleanly, and in a cost effective way.
    It's unfortunate to see even from JKIA, our main airport there's no reliable public transport.

  8. Change is as good as rest! Once Nairobi embraces this system it will be over and done with cartels and revenue will increase a hundredfold, and Nairobi will be the actual city in the sun!

  9. We only need two lines for Nbo. From UoN/Central Police Station to Railways. The second, from Uhuru Park, Down to Race Course Rd, to Pangani

  10. You could've done this at home. Don't know why we need to know that you're in Australia while talking about Kenya. You're not in Kenya so don't ask the people why they protesting.

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