Hemp – The New Agricultural Frontier

The commercial hemp industry is growing and developing rapidly. This is an educational video on industrial hemp for fiber …


  1. This is very interesting as someone who wants to get into the cannabis industry I also would love to see how the hemp industry can affect the environment in a positive way for paper products and replacing Plastic straws with hemp ones since they are biodegradable hopefully hemp can help farmers as well as someone from Bakersfield

  2. the Constitution was written on hemp paper. one of the founding fathers said that hemp was essential to the success of the new country. that hemp was ever illegal is because corporate criminals didn't want competition for their inferior and toxic synthetic products. hint: it's called fascism

  3. If Hemp could be turned into a High Density Fibre Board similar to Bamboo Board then I think it will generate very large profits as well as providing a versatile construction material.

  4. I am looking for financing or a contract for the production of legal CBD oil, hemp wood, hemp fiber, hemp micronized hemp on an area of 16 to 300 hectares and other industrial industries.

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