1. My general surgeon believes in only using prescription medication as a last resort so in a year he got me off cholesterol medication and my cardiology pathology results have improved a lot

  2. This is a post on my birthday, very special. I need to stop chemical medical for pain relief. Now it's a good time for change. Bless you and all of people 🌼🌻

  3. Hello, thank you so much for your videos I have learned so much from you. I'm still new at all this natural stuff but I realize how important it is to get away from all the chemicals in commercial products. I noticed you are from Washington State, so am I. I was wondering how far apart we live from each other. I'm in the Yelm area. I would love to meet you sometime if possible. I'm sure you get this a lot from people and if this is unacceptable please forgive me.

  4. Caution – if you have gall bladder issues. Moringa caused bad attack. Ginger will raise acidity in the stomach. I made mistake of drinking real lemon water with it and all day ( steeped for 3 days). It wasnt a good experience.

  5. I tend to have bad menstrual cramps and when I tried turmeric capsules from Walmart they didn't seem to help at all. I also tend to hate big pills and have a hard time swallowing them. Now I take pamprin but I was curious about anything else that may help with severe pain.

  6. Heidi, have you seen the book, "The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs" by Leslie Taylor, ND? I think I ordered by mine through Amazon. I hope to retrieve it from storage soon, and start reading…

  7. Thank you Saving! I needed this info! Saving jars..what lids fit mason jars (ie peanut jar fit). Also, is it reg or wide mouth mason jars a blender chopper will screw onto?

  8. Beware the lemon balm plant. I love it but 1 plant will be hundreds then thousands in a short time. I would recommend it be planted in an enclosed pot or something bigger. Can you comment when possible, Heide?

  9. Yes, acetaminophen kills about 450 people every year and causes over 300K to go to the hospital. They use NAC IV to detoxify them. See Dr Sam Bailey's video on NAC. NAC is still available online.

  10. Thank you. Really appreciate your shared knowledge. I just took two wild lettuce capsules for extreme muscle/tendon pain. I'm amazed at the difference. Do you know if you can overdose on these things?

  11. Hot water was the only thing that could relieve my pain when i had to get eye surgery, when not even the prescription opioids helped. People underestimate how much a hot shower can do for their pain sometimes.

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