1. I had the same reaction but I enjoyed it. I also have a pain disorder I cope with. Usually anything and everything is better then the natural pain my body puts me through. I’m happy to hear you stopped because you don’t enjoy it! I don’t drink because it makes me “mean”. It’s so funny how similar yet different we all are.

  2. Full spectrum usually contains at least a small amount of thc. Broad spectrum shouldn’t have any, but many supplements aren’t labeled properly.

  3. It might not have been psychosomatic. Eleven to fourteen percent of the population has an allergy predilection. You could be having an allergic reaction, and others have reported similar unwanted side effects. It’s ok to not use cannabis, more for me. Lol.

  4. My heart slightly palpitates when using Marijuana or unstable cbd oil.. I've tried Charlotte's Web and Hempfinity.. Charlotte's web felt pure and stable, I should say that other ppl have tried higher potencies of Hempfintity saying it doesn't give them any adverse reactions.. could be people are allergic to the marijuana plants.

  5. I’m glad that I know what it is now, this also happened to me and my experience was my heart was racing, my vision was weird, and it was just a totally new feeling that was terrible. The next day I was pretty scared after that. It was cbd gummies and I took two instead of one. 🤦‍♂️

  6. This actually happened to me, but it could be the quality of Cbd in these things you tried. Certain brands have made me wired, jittery and not good in the ways you described.

    I found one that i like and helps me sleep and with joint pain, as well as lowers anxiety, i just have to remember not to “try” new brands!

  7. Hiya.. Im debating whether to take cbd myself. Always best to make the effort to research about it from different avenues… you'll find that science doesn't have much data to begin with so yea there's still more finessing in that regard..but ever since the little girl (RIP)who inspired and released the popularity of cbd and its seemingly positive anecdotal reports from normal beings like us to experts in different fields, there's some value even in those narrow groups of illness. I view cbd, so far, as a journey of trial and error until it fits for you. I just wish you had more reliable info you found handy to share aside from blind consumption, despite your point of view and previous experience with different forms and Marijuana. I think it's only fair to look both ways….Look, I haven't even tried it myself yet but at least I can look forward to the benefits if I'm willing to do actual research. That's all. Thanks for your initial thoughts.

  8. I get the heart racing feeling but it almost always passes within a minute and then I feel super relaxed.

    I think the initial stress reaction freaks people out and then it doubles down with an anxiety response. It took one of my college buddies a while before she could smoke and not feel anxious.

  9. Tbh how you were feeling might of been because you dont like cannabis so you were kinda anxious cause there related so mabye you thought it might have the same effect so it might of made you a bit anxious because you dont like the effect of cannibis

  10. I tried CBD and it made me so ill. I had a huge upswing in my pain and a severe migraine for 3 + days. My pain levels became so severe after taking it (I have chronic pain). In all it took me around 2 weeks to get back to where I was. I had no issue with taking it so I wasn't nervous about taking it all. My husband took the same dose and it just helped him have a slightly better quality sleep. I think any active medicine, herb or whatever is going to have someone for which it either doesn't work, or makes them iller. If CBD works then it's likely to also not be good for some people.

  11. I do not do drugs and I smoked CBD oil and though it's legal in California and everyone says it helps them with sleeping and anxiety which I have.. it made me trip the f*** out! I do not understand if this is what people like out of doing it or I just had a severe insane outer body experience! Honestly, do NOT do it! I truly believed life was not real! I was tripping out so bad! To others I seemed normal and calm but my mind made me believe that I was in purgatory! God bless you be safe do NOT do drugs!
    Also I get it, life is hard!🙏🙏❤❤

  12. I felt very similar. Except without the heart racing. I did feel calm and relaxed in a weird way, but tbh i didn't really like the feeling i got from it. I don't like weed either so maybe it's just not for us. Didn't help my sleep either. Woke up in the middle of the night as well. Xanax on the other hand knocks my ass out for 8 hours, and i sleep great! 🤣

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