1. i take 20 mgs of valium a day, 10mg morning, 10mg before bed and they are perscribed my my doctor but ocasionally i buy out my friends clonazepam script ( which is klonopin) just to have extra. i couldnt function without benzos. my anxiety, restless leg syndrome, panic disorder and other muscle spasms. i have 45 0.5 pills just sitting there just in case i need 1 or 2 in emergencies. but on a normal day i just take 20 mg of valium

  2. 20 years ago? My Mother took valium on occasion. Many so called nervous breakdowns and very little family support for her.
    I've been on a high dose nearly 30 years. To say they didn't know the out come of Xanax I don't believe it. They knew. Mothers little helpers.

  3. I'm three months into finally stopping Klonopin use after 27 months of usage for MS symptoms. I used, at most, 1mg a day and had to taper down to .25 a day before i could finally stop without feeling like I was going to have a seizure. I was prescribed it by my Neurologist for twitching/spasms related to MS. I finally realized Magnesium/Zinc work better, but couldn't simply stop the Klonopin. It was an absolute nightmare!! I'm only now, after months, able to think and sleep clearly again.

  4. Light therapy is the primary treatment for seasonal affective disorder… but Jordan wanted sleeping pills and anxiety pills.. his latest blip trying to fight the college cause he's disrespecting the oath he swore… hmm he's not sure of anything..

  5. The think that this junky with his obviously drug addled mind has any kind of therapy license is absurd. If anything he should be put in a mental institution at his own expense for life.

  6. I’ve tried a ton of substances but i’m damn glad i never tried benzos. I quit a wicked Adderall addiction cold turkey last january and that was the hardest thing ever

  7. Hang on….doctors have know that xanax is very difficult and dangerous to stop since at least the very early 90's. Probably earlier. That being said doctors still hand them out like candy.

  8. this is very disturbing to me. I take Xanax after a two day bender. I never do three day benders. It chills me out on day three so my anxiety and life is in check. I can still function even though I drank 30 beers in a 24 hour period. I always considered it a miracle drug. And is it not used to cure alcoholism? I am confused.

  9. Interestingly I've had a similar experience to Dr Peterson. I had a neurological condition of unknown origins. My skin would be numb, but I'd get intense bursts of shooting pain that would only last 2 mins tops throughout any random part of my body. My muscles would twitch and dance for no reason. The numbness would migrate, the first time it happened I thought I was having a stroke. I too have a familial predisposition to depression and anxiety. Dr's tried to treat both by putting me on various anti-depressants. I also had a fun year with benzo's (Ativan) but I fortunately recognized my addiction early on. But I think people like us always fall into the trap of self medicating.

  10. My doctor put me on them two months ago. After doing my own research and feeling like I was becoming dependent on them, I quit. Coke turkey. And even though I took them exactly as I prescribed, I still am going though withdrawal. Not nearly as bad as other. But it just shows that even a low dose for a few months will trap you in the throws of addiction. Stay strong everyone.

  11. Was Dr Petersen taking Benzo when doing the carnivore diet? I’m just curious but whatever the case may be—-Bravo for him for shedding the drugs!

  12. I hold this man to the highest standard of truth. This is the ONLY time I saw half truths. Only people that have gone through benzo withdrawal can see it.

    And no, you 12-20 year psychiatrist won’t see it. Junior psychiatrist shouldn’t be allowed to prescribe benzodiazepines

    It’s a big problem,and he handle that difficult conversation like a wizard.

    If he told the the actual truth he be judged to harshly.

    Dude is a bad mf.

    And he was on clonazepam, not alprazolam.

    Anybody that gets off benzos after long term can smoke Goggins and all you so called bd mf and I love that mf; and support your vets.

    Fck punk ass mf

    Stay hard

  13. I wrote this in another comment, but it bears repeating in order to show how negligence doctors can be –

    I take Clonazepam 2mg every other day. Sometimes 0.5mg or 1mg. I try not to take the Benzo unless need to due to anxiety. I have ADHD and OCD, so anxiety is pretty much constant. But there is some I can't bear enough to sleep.

    I'm pretty worried and disheartened. I'm on Vyvanse for ADHD. I told my doctor, as I moved city and had to get a new psych, that I take Vyvanse and after I said about the Clonazepam. He literally said I have to choose between them. So what am I supposed to do now when I run out ???? Can you see how utterly negligent the medical community can be. The dude either had no regard for or didn't know about the dangers of benzo withdrawal. I'm going to have to see a doctor that understands medicine soon. I really don't want to have a seizure and worse. I'll have to fight now to get proper help

  14. Listen to me, listen to me, please listen to me, there is a very small percentage of human beings, and I mean very small that can take benzodiazepines for a period of time with very minimal side effects, in my world of knowing quite a few of them, I would say the percentage is 2% That can successfully stop taking them with no side effects, for the rest of us this is a hell that you would not wish on anyone or anything, not even somebody who bullied you for eight years through your school years you would not wish that on them these things should be illegal, and I mean absolutely illegal. They are so horrible. I don’t even know if the word hell could even describe what it’s like to try to wean off of these things in 2023. My gosh there Hass to be some pharmaceutical company that can come up with something, that would help with anxiety and fear and panic attacks and worry with none of this garbage side effects absolute hell

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