My First Update Video (Introduction)

I’m sorry if this video is a bit unorganised I’m just getting into it and my anxiety still playing tricks I’ll get used to it I’ll be uploading …


  1. Yo Alfie, my names Will, I’m 21 years old and live in London. I’ve been having tonic clonic seizures quite frequently since about 2015. Been through a lot of medications (including levetiracetam) and have seen decent improvement recently after trying my 6th medication (lacosamide). I seriously can’t relate to/respect this channel more than I already do, your auras and seizures seem to be almost exactly the same as mine. I discovered your channel recently after waking up from another seizure and just started looking for something to help me feel less lonesome etc. I have woken up from some seriously nasty seizures in the past. I just want you to know that you should keep going with this channel, it could help a lot of people with our condition. If you want to talk to me and hear more about what I’ve also been through with epilepsy please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  2. I do think anything wrong putting videos on Alfie off your siezures do not listen to rude people am sure other people does it and am so proud you want to to help others and your incredible you really are you are so nice just keep being yourself from Kerrie 👍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  3. My dog has had 3 seizures so far, the vets are not sure if he has epilepsy yet or PNES

    But it is very scary and distressing so I can only imagine how it must be for you and your mom 🙁

    I've been watching lots of videos to educate myself and find something that might help

    Thank you for sharing your story with us Alfie, sending you lots of love and support, wishing that you will find a useful treatment and be seizure free 🙏🏻

  4. Looking forward to your videos too. Sharing these painful experiences and having more people to talk to about them is sure to take some of the load off your back. Stay strong, Alfie!

  5. This video was informative and awesome Alfie. Also you will get more comfortable the more you do this. I think you should tell people not only about your siezures but more about yourself and your mom and yourgirlfriend . I know you are more than your epilepsy. In a lot of the comments I can tell your an amazing kind young man. Also brother never lose hope. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

    — Isaiah 40:29

    No Matter the situation just stay positive never lose faith never lose hope.
    I know we have never met but love you as a friend and brother. We have spoken a little bit on messenger however I have not been able to send you a message on Facebook messenger lately

  6. Thank you for telling us what it is like for you. Being that your body goes through so much, you must be quite tired afterwards? I wish you a very healthy week. Much love.. watching from USA 🇺🇸 New York

  7. Alfie ur an inspiration 2 many. I have seizures as well i was diagnosed wit NEAD even tho ma eeg cam bak abnormal. I get a heated risin feelin in ma chest mainly or a drunk dizy feelin aura before ma seizures start. I always try 2 fite them off as long as possible till i get 2 ma safe place or even a shop were pple no & no abt ma seizures. Ma seizures started due 2 bein bullyed in college constantly 4 7 years by som1 who was ment 2 be ma frend.

  8. Absolute Amazing Alfie just finished watching you was incredible love it can not wait to watch your next video thankyou so much I know you might been a little nervous you did brilliant from Kerrie 💜💜💜💜💜

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