Nature-Based Climate Solutions with moderator Katherine Hayhoe: COP15 Conference on Biodiversity

I filmed this video at the Conference on Biodiversity (CBD), also known as COP15 in Montreal, Canada on December 16th, 2022.


  1. I filmed this video at the Conference on Biodiversity (CBD), also known as COP15 in Montreal, Canada on December 16th, 2022.

    The famous climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe was the moderator; and did an excellent job.

    After my session, we did a 30 minute interview for posting by the Climate Emergency Forum!!!

    Please donate to to support my research and videos as I join the dots on abrupt climate system change.

  2. Every bit helps. We all need to be atmospheric chiefs and invent a fast food recipe to curb/slow climate change now. Add every bit of carbon reduction that can be made fast. This might give us time to adapt. Thank you professor for adding this.

  3. Every Home & Business should be able to make it's own power; to sever it's connection to Utility companies – that is not to get it's power from a grid and not to use any gas – natural or propane types. IN OTHER WORDS; FULLY WIRELESS AND PIPELESS.

  4. We are putting the Sahara desert in the form of clouds with pollution . The sun hits these scattered pieces of pollution mixed with the chalk they are dumping in the atmosphere and is reflected which heats and eviscerates the atmosphere of any moisture and HURTS OUR EYES in the process because it's like a ginormouse light and heat reflector . This will make it drier and drier and drier no moisture and DEATH WILL CONSUME US ALL ON THIS PATH. ITS Accelerating THE HEATING OF THE PLANET. REMEMBER CLOUDS FLOW LIKE WATER NOT LIKE DIRT. We need to inject something to make the clouds more fluid flowing like water not dirt or pollution. This will also protect the water vaper and provide the EARTH with it's SHIELD again,which Humanity stripped by cutting down all the trees that produced this moisturizing effect with the water. Like moisturizing extracts. Water softeners Can u see? Please tell me somebody can see this in the climate science community. Anybody?

  5. "have to involve the private sector…"

    We know what side his bread is buttered on. The planet may be burning but by George we have to save the private sector before saving the planet. Priorities.

  6. Thanks for posting this. It's infuriating to listen to but it's great to hear them on the record.
    This is the horse** that the government is doing instead of planning to shut down ff production, which is the ONLY thing that would make a difference. All these projects don't mean anything if 40 billion tonnes of CO2 get added to the atmosphere every year.
    Actually reducing emissions means rationing and reorganizing society to get by with way, way less.
    I suspect most people would be furious if the government actually did that but the government can't bluntly state their doing f*** all so this is what we get instead.

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