1. This is ironic. They ban this stuff back in the day because it brought joy and happiness to people. Now they know people are ez to control on the weeds so this leads to the legalization. And it generates millions in taxes.

  2. Some company should start making THC-infused , salted and dried seaweed. Then people would be able to eat seaweed and experience the effects of smoking weed.

  3. Dear Republican lawmakers in Minnesota. The Democrats are about to make weed legal for the people. I wonder why the Republicans are so against it. Republicans are the ones who usually believe in the bible and yet by voting down weed, they are acting against the bible, God and Jesus and I will show you in as few of words as I can. Jesus said set the captives free. Imprisoning someone for a plant that God made is ungodly. On the first page of the bible it says God created the seed bearing herb for our consumption and then said it was good. Cannabis is an herb made by god that has so many medicinal benefits to the human body, that for the democrats to keep it from the people is in direct violation of the first page of the bible. Please stop the war on the gift from God for those that are suffering great pains every single day. Further keeping the plant from the people is a violation of the constitution as the states cannot make law regarding religion. For the state to rule on something that the bible fully endorses and God Himself said it was good, is wrong. I urge you to make a decision for the people with God and the hurting people.

  4. Trulieve is a commie rainbow bottom surgery ran ghetto store. All of them. I've been to damn near all of them in Florida. Any other dispensary is better. Dont support communists like Trulieve

  5. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

  6. Ron! You say you are for small business,you say your for the farmers! You talk about job creation and Freedom of choice! Remember??? Just another politician I guess huh? The war was lost years ago sir. Let’s get the tax $ and fix the roads,bridges,airports and seaports! Let’s pay teachers what they deserve,how about that? Or do you support the industry of incarceration,probation and the waste of tax payers $ ? I will be watching as a voter!

  7. How about allowing us to grow. Amazing how multiple restrictive states allow for personal cultivation but not Florida “freest state in the country” 😂

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