1. Cannabis legalization should pass…if some Republicans don’t want to lose being Re-Elected midterm because majority of Americans want cannabis to be legalized. Republicans voting against it could be looked as old fashioned and out of touch with Americans! Beside, cannabis legalization only need a few republicans to be on board and there a several who are on board for cannabis to be legalized.

    Additionally, this midterm is leaning towards Republicans; therefore, Democrats will need to put the bill up for vote and if Republicans don’t support it, they can claimed that Republicans are in the way of progress and try to get favors back towards Democrats on midterms. More importantly, if Democrats don’t get cannabis legalization to pass, they will certainly lose the midterm! Democrats need to show that they accomplished something this year because they haven’t accomplished anything for the last two years besides all the negatives ie: inflation, gas prices increase, supply shortages, border failures, high crimes, and the list goes on…

  2. Use to smoke in college and we use to tell ourselves we drove better than drunks, driving slow and cautious. Turns out driving on weed is just as bad as alcohol.

  3. No money for gas, heating oil, groceries, rent, mortgages ….but plenty of money for dope? got it. keep people stoned in NM so they dont notice all the illegals running right by them…..or notice the dope they voted for in White House LOL

  4. I never saw the point in getting high. Life is too short to waste on nonsense. Yes, I tried it two or three times, it just made me cough and I got the munchies. No, I don't do liquor or pills either. Same deal, life is short, do something.

  5. And they let all the medical patients down because they are selling medical to anybody there's a medical menu and a recreational menu and they're letting anybody buy off the medical menu. For a few more bucks…. Straight up awful

  6. This is so hilarious how stupid people are in our state all over the world you guys at the media and the government you don't give a damn about people and drug addiction and what's going on with the system and why are so many people addicted to drugs because the only thing you guys have done is just like for heroin and pills you made methadone for people that have injuries or pain you have pills now you started getting involved with weed because that is one of the main ways of making money and destroying a life and now the government's making money off people's addiction of weed it was never about trying to help people. It was about giving the government and the media another win for making some money being the dope dealer of America

  7. Why anyone would wish to use this stuff for fun is a mystery – but if this is what it takes to get it medically prescribed for legitimate conditions, then I’m all for it.

  8. You'll end up regretting making it legal. Here in Wa, the legal weed is CRAP..It's all just the same overly dried version of some super high THC fruity smelling mediocre haze strain. The weed here was WAY better before legalization, and they never busted you anyways so it was already kinda legal. Can't find skunky, or really super piney dank bud unless you go to the "Black Market". You'll see.

  9. I want to see a mandated day where all the talking heads on the news are required to present the news after getting stoned… now that would be excellent entertainment!

  10. this makes me so happy. new medxico is a magical place that bring together some of the most interesting people i have ever met. this will do wonders for not just tourism but long term development as well. thank you for passing a law and then acting on it unlike New Jersey that's dragging their feet

  11. And what you haven’t discovered yet, and the rest of us already know, it is a gateway drug, and on top of that, your tax revenue from it will go down, because it will become cheaper to buy it from the dude on the corner

  12. It's another time to set a goal for the year, one need to set goals and take bold steps in achieving them. Remember success is not obtained overnight, you have to stop procrastinating and try what you have always wanted to improve in you're life and well being. Investment will take you closer to your dreams.

  13. With most of the news being so negative and depressing lately, it was nice to see some good news for a change.
    The fella in the interview is so happy and with his heavy Mexican accent, proclaiming that "We can do this" was so refreshing and heart-warming. His enthusiasm and genuine happiness was really great to witness.
    I mention his heavy Mexican accent because I am first generation American, my mother is from Mexico and it makes me feel proud to see a fellow Mexican American expressing joy in a country that has otherwise been particularly unwelcoming towards us brown skinned people, especially in recent years.

  14. Now the true colors shine medical despenserys don't care about us anymore it's all about the money now let all the Riff Raff in which makes it harder to get our meds what a Shame We Need medical despenserys Only for patients once they start getting robbed more maybe they will wake up!

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