Stupidest review I’ve ever seen. Taken in that large dose, you’re swallowing most of it instead of absorbing it in your bloodstream directly. Better to take a dropper full each half hour to string out the effects. At half the amount you took, most would get high af. I take mine for horrible pain while you seem to be a stoner. Nothing wrong with that but bypass the CBD because at this dosage you’re wasting your money just for a simple high. Vape pure THC. It’ll cost you less for a stronger high.
The question is is it good to resolve anxiety I’m looking for a CBDD product that’s full spectrum that defeats racing thoughts and anxiety does this help out
CBD Oil is amazingly healthy to consume but you have to make sure it's high quality, full spectrum from Organic Hemp. Otherwise you're not going to get all of the health benefits that the plant has to offer. This is what I use:
Hey dude I make a air purifiers/ air freshener for smokers to use when in a small space like a car bedrooms or bathroom is completely portable can work with usb plug in or by 3AA batteries no filter needed just water would you consider reviewing my product
Does anyone know if Select is still selling the Select 'Balance' CBD drops??? Very hard to find right now
30 60 sec under the tongue then nighty night!!
Ratio is the way to go!
Hello from San Francisco CA. I paid $28 for a similar to this. My product name is Prophet. 700mgCBD and 600mgTHC. Great to know
Even the dog is more relaxed I love it 😻
I checked a lot of CBD oils. I think CBD from Weedborn is the best.
Very funny laughing to much.
Will this get me high
Is this legal in tx
Weedborn has very useful CBD products with all the supplements I need.
Stupidest review I’ve ever seen. Taken in that large dose, you’re swallowing most of it instead of absorbing it in your bloodstream directly. Better to take a dropper full each half hour to string out the effects. At half the amount you took, most would get high af. I take mine for horrible pain while you seem to be a stoner. Nothing wrong with that but bypass the CBD because at this dosage you’re wasting your money just for a simple high. Vape pure THC. It’ll cost you less for a stronger high.
Holy smoke I have to visit The States! 10 drops!!! You really know how to have a good time over there! 😆✌
CBD is good mayne
The question is is it good to resolve anxiety I’m looking for a CBDD product that’s full spectrum that defeats racing thoughts and anxiety does this help out
I used Weedborn CBD products and healed without any problems.
If you want to cure your illness, you will find good CBD products on the Weedborn website.
If it sales expired, will it still get u high?
Can you review the Day Drops – Tincture
LONDON POUND CAKE 75 from cookies?
CBD Oil is amazingly healthy to consume but you have to make sure it's high quality, full spectrum from Organic Hemp. Otherwise you're not going to get all of the health benefits that the plant has to offer. This is what I use:
You're great man. Keep it up!
Hey dude I make a air purifiers/ air freshener for smokers to use when in a small space like a car bedrooms or bathroom is completely portable can work with usb plug in or by 3AA batteries no filter needed just water would you consider reviewing my product
Thee ole wheaty boy
wait what. you took 3. i thought you were going to do like 10 or 13 all right now. shit i just did 10 in one try
I was thinking of you when I bought 1:3 edibles at 1 serving is 22mg thc 8 mg CBd . So so so good I'd like to see you take 100mg
love this guy
Thanks for your service bro! Another great review by the legend himself.
Junji Ito! If you like him, take it up a notch and check out the horror manga by Hideshi Hino.
Does Weeats ever look at his comments? Never seen a comment, response or liked comment from him
I disagree with what you said at 5:56. Captain America is the best Avenger, not Iron Man.