1. I have this weird feeling that perhaps, maybe Shanny was s.a and verbally.a. I wish we could learn how her mother grew up and how she was as a child. Sometimes people get dismissed and ignored as a child/ young adult and predators will single out a child. I bet if Shanny went under hypnosis she will get answers. I believe something happen before or little after 5. That is the age when the personality is formed. Often if the trauma is great the mind splices to protect the person. This is all sad like something from a movie.

  2. I hope you’re okay marshmallow! I had a bad episode earlier this year I woke up with blood all over the toilet and bathroom floor to my mom holding me and crying and paramedics coming in. It can be very scary and traumatic and VERY disorienting. I send you healing energy to heal the postical seizure pain and disorientation and that you figure out what’s going on!
    But don’t be scared if you can’t get a clear answer, they still don’t know what I have but it gets better and you learn to accommodate and learn yourself. ❤️

  3. I guess will never see what the country of Kuwait actually looks like. After all movies, museums, and Burger King was what we really wanted to see.🙄

  4. Not all of us with BPD are monsters. Just have to want to be better. I handle things with medication, exercise, and having a stress free calm home.
    Love to everyone that has it ❤️

  5. If you haven't checked out Corey Taylor's book "7 Deadly Sins: Settling the Difference between Born Bad and Damaged Good" I highly recommend it. It's short, not a Hemingway sized novel by no means.

  6. She really did deserve this ban (and you know if I'M saying that, it's bad)- Infighting in the community is one thing, but you don't drag some random peripheral personal front and center on your platform of 10K & say those things, Esp not a the Muslim woman (legit Muslim, not Chantal Muslim😏) & say things that could get her & husband literally imprisoned or unalived. She's like a bull in a China shop w her mouth, you can't do that over there, its not like here- you're literally playing w people's lives, including your own.💀

  7. Don't know about the laws where she lives, but we have to get our subpoenas served 7 days before court. If not there is usually an automatic continuance of the hearing. Now sometimes late subpoenas aren't a big deal, depends on who subpoenaed you and why. If it's a case against you they have to give you 7 days. Court will automatically be moved out if you weren't served.
    I take care of a lot of them, and if it's for someone testifying on our behalf i call and talk to them, they usually already know they are testifying before we get a subpoena out, but idk what she got hers for so idk. And yea they are usually served during business hours. However if you are the defendant (or respondent in a civil case) they will serve you wherever they can catch you. And I never finished watching your video I had to go to bed. So idk if she ever said what it was for.

  8. Hey lovely. Thank you for the stream 💜🤗I feel so bad for them both,I understand they've passed. I'm a mom of grown children, 31,32,and 36. All sons. I can't even imagine one of them coming online behaving like shanny does. I guess by this point they were at the end of their rope with her,and I understand. So god rest them both

  9. I usually don’t have any sympathy at all for Shanny…..but the way her mother is talking about her seems like she has been speaking this way of Shanny since she was a child….maybe Shanny just fulfilled the shoes her mother set out for her?? Idk. JUST A THOUGHT!

  10. I can’t get over the fact of how she walks.. especially covered in those clothes. She seems like a weird character popped out from a movie into reality 🤣

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