Stomach illness stemming from marijuana use on the rise

In states where marijuana is legal, doctors are seeing increase in a violent illness that causes severe abdominal pain and …


  1. It affects everyone differently. I have IBS and cannabis is the best treatment. Without it I have to constantly use the bathroom and have cramps. After I smoke my stomach settles and then I'm able to eat without an issue.

  2. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL SOMEONE HACKING YOUR SYSTEM AROUND 4AM TO 5AM ,LIKE CELLPHONE OR COMPUTER ? Health threat is real beaware marijuana and cannabis users….. yep a 5 star unknown sorces on the things past 8 years ago wow you are a 5 star behind of not doing the job … i would of been dead by a real sleeper cell 2nd for those are marijuana and cannabis FAVORITISM . AND YOUR A REAL HEALTH THREAT . Keep it by real federal law all the time check and get it from a place that you used to get it at .. oh ya your real muders .

  3. I found this only happens to me if I don't EAT frequently.
    Don't let the weed control your eating habits. GET USED TO EATING BEFORE YOU SMOKE NOT AFTER .
    I think that's where it starts.
    Stand upright when you hit it.
    Seems to keep the smoke more lung bound instead of a partial stomach hit.
    Drink water in-between your hits too.
    Don't smoke on an empty stomach
    Source… I've been at it for a decade, and this all sounds like what I was experiencing in highschool.

  4. Well idk what’s happening with me but every time I smoke my tongue hurts and my whole body feels week , this only started happening in the last year

  5. I was a heavy smoker for 16 years and I started to experience it and I looked on google and diagnosed without hospitals and I did this for two weeks before I figured it out and now I am alll better but day six of no weed and it will forever be outa my life

  6. If you have ptsd like I do, smoking a little bit every day or every other day is ideal as it helps with the way you handle it but I've even gone for weeks without any cannabis and I don't freak out, its just an herb.

  7. I used To smoke whole zips a day half zips too most of the time would smoke 7 grams a day,i hate how ppl act like weed cant be addictive bur true stoners know that weed can be addictive even if its just mental theres withdrawals

  8. I've only had CHS through vaping for like a couple years straight. Since I have been smoking, I have not have that problem at all. I use a bong to smoke my medicine and have had no issues.

  9. You're not seeing this cause you made it legal you're seeing it because it's been illegal and the right info on it hasn't come out, so people over use weed thinking it's safe cause proper studies haven't been done.. tell us the info and let us decide

  10. Did y’all catch that “ Before legalization we almost never saw now that it’s legal we see almost all the time” now idk if it’s just me but ever since we’d had been legal there’s a lot of problems and I wonder if that’s because they are doing something to it just a thought

  11. This happened to me when I was 16-17 and anytime I smoked I would puke violently I thought it was because of my tobacco wraps I wrap around the cannabis but later learned I had this it eventually went away

  12. If I’m being honest, todays weed is not the same as before. I’m sure majority of the weed smoked today isn’t 100% Natural. Think about it, they mentioned it only started rising after it started becoming legalized…….

  13. I feel him… better now than never. You are never too old to change your life around. Quitting has been hard for me because I suffer with depression but it's worth it. I want my life back and to feel normal again.

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