1. Why is the reefer madness campaign not mentioned here? Why does the government ban so many plants? You can legally grow poppies but harvesting them is unlawful… You can buy kratom in some states, others banned it. If it helps you and they haven't mastered growth and sale then you won't get it legally.

  2. Marijuana gives you suicidal thoughts. It's a documented side effect. So then why would that be legal? People say it's a safe drug and you can't die from it but that's a lie…many people have died from it. I had a friend in high school who smoked weed then fell asleep at the wheel and got hit by a mack truck and died. It indirectly kills many.

  3. Marijuana gives you suicidal thoughts. It's a documented side effect. So then why would that be legal? People say it's a safe drug and you can't die from it but that's a lie…many people have died from it. I had a friend in high school who smoked weed then fell asleep at the wheel and got hit by a mack truck and died. It indirectly kills many.

  4. Marijuana gives you suicidal thoughts. It's a documented side effect. So then why would that be legal? People say it's a safe drug and you can't die from it but that's a lie…many people have died from it. I had a friend in high school who smoked weed then fell asleep at the wheel and got hit by a mack truck and died. It indirectly kills many.

  5. This government needs to release every man and women arrested for Marijuana use due to the three strike rile which is out dated and should be obolished along with making Hemp illegal. That would make room for all the more all serious criminals being released who are far more dangerous than a pot smoker.

  6. To those of you talking about how weed isn’t a “gateway drug”…

    It’s not a drug that makes you say, “hey, I’m high, now I wanna try coke and heroin immediately.” No. Now this doesn’t happen with everyone but over time, some people do get bored of weed and move onto stronger substances. Just because you’ve never seen it happen (or don’t stick around long enough to see it happen) doesn’t mean people don’t do just that.

    THAT is what is meant by it being a gateway drug.

  7. Harry anslinger was one who started the government propaganda reefer madness to demonize marijuana so they could destroy industrial hemp. Now everything is patrolium based so they control the patent on Everything made

  8. Still I fired pot heads from work
    And The law say it's a DUI Ticket.
    Thanks God my sons
    And decendents
    Are not pot head's
    In Texas is not legal
    And I hope stays tha' way.

  9. i wish i was there when the people who is the government, i would get rid of them evil people who took over earth & be on top of everyone

  10. I've been smoking weed since I'm 13 and 57 now have run four successful l businesses all while I was smoking weed everyday all day like the government's full of s***

  11. Regan destroyed America. With the weed, and allowing Wall Street to police themselves. What a fool. The crash of 2008 and present is Wall Street. They are still doing the same thing Bernie Madoff did and the SEC is standing around eating crayons and licking windows.

  12. Wrong the movement to make it illegal was spearheaded by the textile industry. Hemp had started to regain popularity and it was messing with the profits of synthetic materials like nylon. Yes they used a smear campaign that included racism and lies but the only reason it was done was profits of chemical companies that wanted to eliminate a superior product from the marketplace. Just like now powerful industries bribe, I mean lobby, politicians to outlaw or mandate whichever is going to get them higher profits.

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