The fad diet that cures epilepsy

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  1. I've got peace of mind now that my epilepsy is gone,I thought maybe I couldn't get rid of it after every means of trying, but God never shamed me and still found a herbal cure for my epilepsy thank you Dr Ogie🤗🤗

  2. I've got peace of mind now that my epilepsy is gone,I thought maybe I couldn't get rid of it after every means of trying, but God never shamed me and still found a herbal cure for my epilepsy thank you Dr Ogie🤗🤗

  3. I had a eeg after being on keto for 3 months… eeg showed no abnormalities. Its hard to keep up keto so i went off.. now my epilepsy is back but im looking at getting back on it soon!! I was also on Lions mane mushroom that could of helped, research suggests so.

  4. Man cannot live on bread alone. So question. My friend wants to fast but is on benzodiazpines and don't know if it'd be healthy to do so. Any help would be awesome! God bless

  5. Good bless you Dr Ogie for putting all your work and effort in helping me get this your epilepsy herbal medicine, thanks so much doctor my prescription is abundant God bless you the medicine worked perfectly thank you sir

  6. Good bless you Dr Ogie for putting all your work and effort in helping me get this your epilepsy herbal medicine, thanks so much doctor my prescription is abundant God bless you the medicine worked perfectly thank you sir

  7. I might have known it would turn out to be an ad for something. It's also far from accurate.
    Learn from something more reputable. Or learn by experience.

  8. I'm sorry, I fail to see how you suffer constipation from a diet that is so high in fat. That should make any food slide through your bowel. If anything it will do the opposite. As someone on the keto diet and constantly consume cream I can assure you, that's what happens.

  9. Since your brain is two thirds fat, it seems to me that something is going in the right direction. It sure as hell doesn't need much sugar. In fact NONE. Glucose, yes, but very little indeed.

  10. Being great full to Dr Ogie from all times I hope you find what your heart desires just as you have put a smile on many of our faces with just your hands and herbal's. More grace to your work doctor thanks so much for the medication it did fight the virus and nailed it💛💛💛

  11. Being great full to Dr Ogie from all times I hope you find what your heart desires just as you have put a smile on many of our faces with just your hands and herbal's. More grace to your work doctor thanks so much for the medication it did fight the virus and nailed it💛💛💛

  12. Everything about this video is true except for the ending. There are absolutely NOT negative side effects for the ketogenic diet. Before the advent of agriculture humans have been eating ketogenic diets for hundreds of thousands of years. As long as they weren’t eaten by predators or fell off a cliff they lived 80+ years in great health.

  13. You're such a wonderful doctor and you always
    make me feel so safe Dr Dagba on youtube Thank you for being the best doctor for me. thank you for curing
    my epilepsy keep up the good work doc

  14. I was absolutely delighted and grateful with the immediate healing my daughter got through Dr Dagba on YouTube. my daughter was cured completely from epilepsy. keep saving life doc.

  15. Here's what keto does. Keto gets the body into fasting. Fasting keeps the body at rest & in that time, the body heals itself. The nerve cells in the brain that were out of control get rest and repair themselves.
    I'm an epileptic who's doing keto-carnivore, so think before arguing unnecessarily

  16. There’s a whole nutrition war on this. Like you mentioned hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar that is caused from well eating too much sugar that spikes insulin. But on a low carb diet your insulin stays low (why it’s an easy/affordable way to reverse type 2 diabetes). Your body is also capable of making all the glucose that it needs from protein. If you want to dive into the science of why a ketogenic diet is safe for most people go see a channel called low carb down under.
    Sticking to the diet is a bit tough in the beginning when you are used to eating highly processed food with a high carb content.
    Personally I have found that following this diet significantly reduces brain fog and has reduced depressive bouts. As I have ADHD it has helped me to reduce the overall mental health burden in my day to day functioning

  17. I wish they would study this more on adults. Of course it’s hard to get a five year old to drink heavy cream and not good for their developing bodies…but adults have seizures too, we’re less picky, and we aren’t still growing like children.

    I’m going to ask my doctor about this the next time I see him.

  18. Oh my goodness, I can't believe after suffering from PCOS for good 11 years I can still recovered back my health and the natural herbal supplements I ordered it from DR AKHO HERBAL on YouTube, I'm totally free now keep saving lives …

  19. Well I’m a gym bro and I’ve been making keto jokes for awhile now. But next time i see my neurologist I’m gonna ask him about this. The papers we have to fill out even asks if you’ve done keto recently. If it keeps me lean and seizure free I’ll happily eat my words

  20. Any type of sugar or carbs can excite the body and brain, which could trigger seizures. My son has epilepsy due to cortical dysplasia, a history of brain tumor, left temporal lobectomy. His seizures can be triggered by anything that excites the brain, flashing lights, too much stimulation, excitement in to the environment, excitement over the holidays approaching, swinging in a swing, fluorescent lights in big department stores, etc… I suppose a completely boring, stimulation free life can decrease seizures.

    Kids with autism frequently have food sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues. We have to stay off of gluten. Though other carbs, like rice and oatmeal don’t bother him. The only sugar he gets in is fruit.

  21. Hi ,

    I am feeling internal tremors / vibrations in my upper body (mostly in head area and in chest areas) from past 1 year,because of that my sleep also disturbs either not able to sleep whole night or suddenly i woke up between 3 am to 4 am getting up with vibrations.

    These tremors / vibrations cannot be visible but i can feel internally.

    My sugar and BP levels,thyroid levels are normal.

    My age is 43 years.

    My Brain MRI report and EEG reports are came normal.

    My query is which part of the body is internally shaking or vibrating, Is it nerves or muscles or blood veins ?

    Is any body suffered and recovered from internal vibrations,please share your success stories.

    Thank you. Please advise.

  22. I struggled with keto too much, I just felt exhausted. We are supposed to enjoy the food we eat and with keto that's close to impossible. That's why I tried the Agoge diet and it works great.

  23. The health benefits are amazing. When I am fasted or eat low sugar my anxiety goes down and my depression goes down and also the symptoms of my autoimmune desease BUT I think I got gallbladder problems now. I think this started with the keto diet. But maybe I am wrong. Maybe it's also the fasting and other things in my life.

  24. People should stop talking about the keto diet, it's not a diet anyone should adhere to without doctor supervision. Everybody should eat a diverse diet and that includes carbs. For me, the Agoge diet plan worked wonders, I no longer have visible cellulite and lost significant amounts of fat.

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