The God Plant – Full Documentary

This educational documentary is the ultimate exploration, from its first formation in the system of the sea squirt, to its early uses …


  1. People Need To Stop Claiming Pot Cures Cancer, There are Some proven Therapeutic Uses But Pot Is Not A Cure all. I've used Pot for 25 years, I'm Pro Pot, But I'm against the Hippy Stoner Marketing And the insinuation that It is a miracle cure.

  2. I freaking knew if read the title and just felt like it's talking about our favorite plant. I love you marijuana. You have made my life endurable.

    Ty for this wonderful video.

  3. I smoked for years after i stopped a few years later i was diagnosed with bladder cancer, after going through chemotherapy with no results decided i would treat it with cannibus within 6 months i was free from tumors that were regularly growing every few months, i still get regular checks to monitor the bladder after 24 months i believe i might be free of this condition, ill maintain cannibus use, seems cannibus has been undervalued as a medicine for to long

  4. but here's how it goes on the job toke toke wow man I am lit John yeah man I want you to watch this station you know it is critical on how much powder goes in if there is to much it will explode yeah man I know. John'' thought: man I got the munchies." hey susan can you watch the powder load I need to go to the bathroom yes sure no problem. Man munchies this pizza for anybody in the break room yes John help yourself "john takes half a pizza large and gives Susan half" "devors it susan thanked him and went off duty" jHon with another thought a half hour later man YAWN I AM SO DAMN SLEEPY in one hour we find John sound asleep crashed after eating a shell comes around too much powder went in the projectile goes to be pressed in the shell and John who susan who factory what factory you mean that arms factory that loaded five in shell for artillery it went boom nobody knows what happened or who was at work

  5. I thought the paper oligarchs had a lot to do with the ban in the U.S. (bogus of course) because of it being swooped up with hemp which was a threat to their industry.

  6. I strongly believe this plant could save a great deal of stress on our Earth. It has been made into paper, it has been made into a plastic that is biodegradable. It has even made it to a fuel alternative. The only downside is the vehicles that used it kept getting lost. Lol, could you imagine a world where plastic degrades in soil rather than solar degradation?

  7. It is all about the government trying to control what people think through indoctrination and forcing a reality onto people that is completely and utterly flawed, anything that makes a person to think for themselves is considered dangerous.

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