The THC Show with Neil Magnuson – Episode 172

POT TV – Cannabis activist Neil Magnuson offered truth, hope and change LIVE at 4pm PT on POT.TV. Neil Magnuson is …


  1. I found something and imidetly they tried to put htat messge bakc into me and in reality five years ago that strange, never mind the same mtime the mental ehalth were screwing me, not mad anfgery I never get angery you keep asking me the way I feel to tacty to violence to think sex elaier in live I did do not din dream ctacher never masterbate or break tnhe laws but about five years ago is the time frame the plice follofwed me in thought watching if I waere crazy and had those in raven song audit me , I was not never was KANADINAs in t he first, place,

  2. Maybe they want to make it look like a farce so they can kill the whole thing and go back to a heavy handed war on weed? Just a thought. Certainly it's still being treated in a negative way, lumped in along with gambling and alcohol, like in Alberta with the lovely AGLC. People despise this organization. It's all about profits and nothing about passion for the plant and all the healing properties of cannabis, it's just another commodity to them, and a 'nasty' habit comparable to gambling and alcohol that they can collect taxes on. They thought they were going to make all this money for their shareholders in these corporations but look what's happened now. With ounces going for $60 at stores, it sure makes you wonder if anybody is making money with this scheme. It should be as free and legal as tomatoes at a local farmer's market. We do not need these assholes.

  3. Wow, so this is where you ended up after you left Toronto after your scam ripping off medical growers in Ontario. Clearly, I was right as no one needed to partner up with you to save their right to produce their own medicine.

  4. I have bought legal cannabis products and this was the Official Government warning on the legal cannabis products: The smoke from cannabis is harmful. Toxic and carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco smoke such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines and N-heterocyclics are also found in cannabis smoke. So they legalize cannabis and produce it like tobacco by adding all the poisons and removing the medicinal and medical value.

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