Toxic and dangerous big cannabis cultivation work conditions?

Toxic and dangerous big cannabis cultivation work conditions? What changes can be made to protect cannabis workers from …


  1. I worked for trulieve and now i know why i was made to start delivering between shops instead of doing my actual job!! They knew i would of seen the poor conditions and would of said something to make them have better safety protocols. I knew there was something deeper than me loosing my car as to why they said just dont come back. They knew i had a real greenhouse background and backgrounds in organic grow ops which these guys definitely are not organic by any means

  2. I work at a cannabis farm and production facility. i process pounds of cannabis daily on a bagging machine. One of the processes is to shake out all the shake, but doing so just kicks up all the kief into the air or blowing off the massive clumps off the machine before its iso bath. Some of the really dusty stuff or dry stuff ends up coating your throat, it makes your lungs feel really heavy, and your sinuses start to swell and pulsate with pain, thats not to mention all the coughing and sneezing and general eye irritation. If its really bad you end up waking up the next day feeling like you have pneumonia But im not sure if its the nutrients they use or some type of chemical or if personally im allergic to the strains but iv broken out in hives, rashes and have had my throat swell up on a couple occasions. We have surgical masks since covid but that doesnt stop anything what so ever and it ends up building up in the mask making your symptoms worse. What you need is a closed airflow respirator but nobody i work with nor me myself wants to wear a massive respirator for 12 hours on top of the lab coats hairnets and other ppe that other departments use. For an industry thats tightly monitored and controlled by Health Canada, there are so many regulations that factories need to adhere by that simply do not exist. Like my plant is just a really clean factory. But whether it’s chemicals, fumes or particulates, you just should not be breathing them in whatsoever. Because who knows the effects of daily kief inhalation can cause

  3. Thank you for having this conversation. There is alot of wprk to bring the indstry mainstream. These companies need to start listening to there employess and the consumers. Acess to capital is not enough to fall into sucess. You are trying to replicate mother nature indoors. Stay safe and take care

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