What Governor Sakaja Needs To Do To Remove Matatus From The CBD

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  1. Stop individuals having single vehicles with 14 capacity. Let any person have interest in transportation join saccos where you buy shares in long buses or group investment where you run through managers like one company.

  2. Prof. Ochieng did not design the London transport system. What he designed was the congestion charge system which a system of CCTV camera which identify individual vehicles entering London Congestion zone. The system automatically charges owner of the vehicle £17 per day for entering the CBD during the day. It does not stop vehicles from entering the CBD. The only thing the system has succeeded in is a small deterrent in making the vehicles owner pay. London CBD is still as congested as ever. Even the hiking of parking fees has a small deterrent. However. The closure and pedestrianization of sections of London and hefty fines for breaches and enforcement of the fines is more successful than the above. Nairobi must invest in trams to save the city from sinking in into abyss. The trams move more people and does not pollute. There is no space for private entities in the city transport system. London has experimented with it for 30 yrs. it has failed because of the profit elements. The fares have become too expensive and the government have to continuously subsidize these private entities besides paying fully for the maintenance of the infrastructure and and the rolling stock.

  3. While I support the proposed removal of vehicles. However, the planning is not there. Sakaja need to have a strategic plan which includes removal of private vehicles and pedestrianization of CBD

  4. Problem was putting every govt resource in one area[CBD].There should have never been a CBD.if even not for county governments,Nairobi would have been worse.decentralized facilities plus digitize every govt business

  5. Point of correction London Underground is profitable, it’s London Buses that doesn’t make profit but heavily subsidised. However overall Government benefits from taxes collected along the way. As people buy goods and services within CBD.

  6. Public transport between nrb and metro counties should be owned by the government.Private sector owners should be kicked out watafte kazi zingine.we need BRT busses and light rail

  7. If change is resisted, development stagnates. No pain, no gain. Humans have immense capacity to change. Change is good for growth. Those who resist positive change for self gain are selfish and should be ignored.
    Sakaja should, however, consider green park terminus as part of CBD. Green park should be repurposed for BRT use within CBD.

  8. You need the national govt and counyy govt speaking with one voice. matatus have their special interests and lobbyits who some who own matatus are also govt officials who frustrate any change that would affect their business.
    Gachagua is part of the problem. he is not a level headed leader. He speaks from one point of view the Kikuyu nation as opposed to being a national leader that his position as VP bequeaths him

  9. The removal of psv from the city center was always failing because thee country operates under selective law enforcement. Look at the story of Rwanda. If the government was this to work,it will work even today..

  10. Sgr was inflated by 8 trillion shillings was supposed cost 400 billion shillings it was a scam. Has to do 200 trains a day and charge more money which mean nobody use it was a fraud useless government project

  11. Nairobi should not be a county power ful cartels control the city and nation government control the city it's a contradiction of the law . Nairobi should be split into 5 zones and a mayor representing each zone reporting national mayor

  12. It is a very good idea to decongest the Capital. However, both central and country governments should look for a lasting solution. They should look for partners to build a multi-storied buspark at city stadium (and relocate the stadium if need be) to accommodate ALL the public transport vehicles and a charge a reasonable fee while providing comfortable city centre buses. However, they should contract Israeli or Japanese contractors who know how to build infrastructures that will not be affected by either weight or earthquakes,etc

  13. What do you know about nyamakima
    and the cereals trade in Kenya.
    What do you know about tea room and the import trade from China and far east which feeds the street trade and all hawkers in the country.

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