What The Franklin; W/ Chip Franklin

When will the feds let me smoke a joint, and who would voluntarily live in Florida, and our ten foot poll; George Santos is a POS, …


  1. The cannabis issue has been hijacked by big money. The legalization regulations have destroyed medical cannabis and the lives medical patents by eliminating the designation of medical use. Now legitimate patients have to pay up to 37% tax on their meds. On top of that, they can no longer find the products that they previously used. And, they are paying more for less.
    Example: A 500mg edible used to cost $20 plus a little tax=$22.
    That same edible today costs $100 plus the tax =$137.00
    So, from $22 to $137
    How’s a sick, disabled person supposed to get their medicine?
    Cannabis now costs more than the dangerous prescription drugs we’re trying to avoid. 🤷🏽‍♂️😔

  2. The opioid crisis was not caused by legitimate patients and their doctors. It’s pure propaganda spread by special interest groups like, PROP, with their leader Andrew Kolodny. The overdose numbers were conflated with poly pharma use within overdose victims that included ILLICIT drugs. The big lie laid the groundwork for the huge opioid litigations we’ve seen the past few years. That special interest group benefited from the lie a number of ways:
    1. They were paid by another big pharma Indivior, to push suboxone.
    2. They became highly paid “expert” witnesses in the opioid trials for the prosecution, getting half a million per trial. Andrew Kolodny, our local Anna Lemke et al have made millions just as “expert” witnesses😒
    3. They were put on public policy task forces, such as the CDC Opioid Task Force, and pushed their recommendations, that eventually became the flawed public policy that destroyed the lives of millions of chronically ill, disabled, seniors and veterans who suffer severe intractable pain, all the while, worsening the overdose crisis exponentially. Their policies caused overdoses to quintuple over 8 years, and more. Ever-increasing overdoses is their legacy.
    3. They conned the government and received more grant money to continue in their work on this issue, which has allowed them to continue providing bad public policy that does nothing to help the problem.
    4 These guys are from the addiction treatment industry. Their goal is to bolster the industry by convincing the public that legitimate patient should be converted from being treated in pain management, into being treated as an addict at one of their or their friends failed addiction treatment centers, which, btw, have a 90% failure rate.
    The entire issue has been a perpetual debacle and the lazy Media did not do their diligence during this time to uncover this fraud and expose the real issue regarding addiction and overdoses.
    This is what happens when the wrong ppl, combined with a flailing media and a panicking public and therefore policymakers rush to fix a problem that has been 50 years in the making.
    It is not prescription drugs that’s the problem. You can’t narrow the focus down to a simple sound bite.
    The problem is we are still using the failed drug war mentality to fix a problem caused by the failed drug war.
    The overdose crisis, addiction in America is not a prescription drug problem. It is caused by the mental health issue of addiction combined with the flooding of our streets with a poisoned ILLICIT drug supply, and using drug war mentality to fix it. Bottom line.

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