
前段時間,嘉昇和安利哥在老城區發現了很有老廣情懷的寶藏小店,白天它是一家其貌不揚的快餐店,晚上則搖身一變成為地道的老 …


  1. 实际D啦,唔系唔可行,不过第一个地产商就唔放过你,唯一可行就系做咗几十年已经赚够,系果度又有铺,唔赚100,只赚60,米先都系痴人说梦话

  2. 平民食店,20-25蚊炒粉面飯,感覺廣州生活物價都幾高,好少少嘅食店,可能要40-50蚊。另一角度,中國經濟同消費追上發達國家

  3. 琪琪,几十年依然屹立,依然以亲民价格服务街坊,感动,真系好感动!前有安利去纸行路老面档,后有嘉昇带去海珠中路既琪琪,从细到大几十年生活既地方再现眼前,感谢 品城记 !!!

  4. What a fabulous place, humble and non-descript, yet serving delicious comfort food in the best way. Yes, the cook's reaction to cooking stir fry dishes again was touching and delightful. More customers should taste all the dishes he is capable of cooking 👍👍😋😋💕

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