1. TBH honest that’s what puts me off smoking every night , I don’t like getting to high , I like just a mellow high but enjoy smoking it’s a catch 22😂😂😂

  2. They love the cbd weed because it’s about a he same as the top shelf they smoked in their teens🧐 the weed they had back then was total trash for the most part 💯💯💯

  3. What if I told you that dirt weed you were smoking just a couple of years ago WAS CBD HEMP "weed" 1-3% THC, legalization caused all this Franken WEED w/ 20-30%, it's NO different from what they smoked at Woodstock, O.G stoners know that

  4. No, the reason being Is that they are literally used to brick weed that you had to spend 20 minutes picking the seeds and stems out of to get one joint. Weed wasn't what is is now back in the 80's/90's. The cannabis today is extremly strong & has different effects on everyone. But typically I don't see many middle aged stones complain about a strain or say it's bad. Even the bad shit they say is "pretty good" lol

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