Dr. Chris Palmer is currently the Director of the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education at McLean Hospital and an …


  1. "All is not trauma, all is not chemical imbalance, all is not genetics/epigenetics." It is equally ridiculous to think that all is brain metabolism or that metabolism is a common factor in the giant umbrella he calls Mental illness. Psychiatrists use the machine model of the brain (as if it were a heart or liver) without the balancing force of psychotherapy. Consciousness and the grey matter weigh upon each other in reciprocal fashion. The body, the brain and consciousness all work together to create mental health or the lack of it.

  2. I drive an ambulance. I recently took a 5150 patient diagnosed with bipolar depression. He became sick late for bipolar. Before he was sick he was working as a butcher. I asked him if he ate a lot of meat when he was working. He said yes. And after he lost his job he ate much less meat. I have to be careful what I advise patients but I told him that his diet may have prevented his disease and he should tell his physician about his dramatic change of diet when his symptoms started.
    Maybe it helped.

  3. school is the root cause of most mental health problems,………imagine going into the rainforest and telling the tribes that they have to send there kids to nursery ,……and then to school afterwards,….imagine how much fear the tribes children would be in…there parents would chuck spears at you if you tried to force them into teaching there children,………many of our parents were programmed to give there kids up to the education system,,……..and i fucking hated it,…….everyday my stomach would turn over in fear when my alarm woke me up for school,………imagine the "most" magical time of your life when your young,…….and you have to spend most of it at school,……..the sun is shining,…….."go to school",………..i want to enjoy my life,….."go to school",……..and at school the teachers always warned us how much worse life would be when we left school,….."wtf",…………at my middle school the art teacher had a training shoe with concrete inside the tip of the toe to cause more pain,………the P.E . teacher had a sorn off cricket bat to hit you round the legs with,………..the maths teacher punched pupils in the stomachs,……..the wood work teacher swung his mallet at us on the first day we arrived.,……….on top of that they caned you with a cane,……….then if you dont go to school they can send your parents to prison,…………our freedom was living from the land,……..and no one telling us what to do,……….only parents and family would guide and educate us,………..we didnt pay for housing or food,………we didnt pay taxes,……..we were free,……..and its because your freedom has been taken away thats causing you suicidal thoughts,………i should not have had to study about the sick bastards that rule this earth,…….but i have,…….and they cause all the problems on the earth,………they are responsible for every war that has been created,…….all the famines,………all the hatred,……….this is the slave system which they have created,………..food prices going up,……lol,……..what a joke,…..i watched a tv "programme" with people starving in africa.because they could not afford food,……then .i flicked over to another tv "programme" and i saw monkeys eating fruit from trees in africa,……very happy monkeys,……….you dont see tribes starving in the jungle,………only people who have been manipulated into thinking they need money for food…"they" the dirty rulers of earth create all this chaos,………that is there motto,…….the freemasons motto is" order out of chaos"……………i know if many of you were taken to a beautifull island with plenty of fruit to eat,……..and decent loving people around you ,… your suicidal thoughts would never come back again,…….its freedom, truth and love which you desire,……..i see many of your comments talk about not wanting to exist,….but truly you love the gift of conscious existence ……….you just hate authority,……..and the control it has on you and others which affects your lives,…………first and foremost you are a spirit being having an existence of a human being,……..not the other way around,……….i am here because,…..i myself have not wanted to exist for many years,………..everyday my first thought is suicide,…………

    ………….and i wanted to know why?…………take a look at the tribes and nomads of the earth,………they are happy,……..there lives can be very difficult,……..but they all work together,………..we gave our freedom away for an i phone,…..a kettle,…..a car,……a mortgage for an house,……….some electric and some gas,…………….the average person goes to work for 8 hours a day,……….thats a third of your life,……….if someone asked you how much would it cost for them to buy a third of your life?….how much would you sell it for?….how much is freedom worth?……….how much is peace worth?…….it is an illusion that you work for freedom,……….and that the freedom money gives you is the freedom that was taken away in the first place,……….."they" have enslaved humans into working for the freedom,………ive ranted on enough,…………im sorry for all of us that are suffering suicidal thoughts,……..but the root cause is the satanic system you are living in..

  4. Did you do a D.Phil at Oxford? If so that should mean that it's in the Bod? It should be in the stacks. Currently RSL is closed as they are repurposing most of it to be a new college. The new RSL will be much smaller. Would you mind if I read your D.Phil as the metabolism in T2DM is relevant to my interests!!

  5. I hope you keep whatever was in the chat because it was a long bunch of comments by me. Given that you cut the stream before the end were you "live" or were you "live to tape". If you were taped given you put in ad during the middle seems likely it means it was about 11am when you released it. So why weren't you in the chat?

  6. It's crazy how high meats and fatty animal products have become such a help for childhood epilectic seizures, weight loss, and improved mental functioning, to me!!!
    I've known a few paranoid delusional tormented men, two survived and came back normal…3 ended up dying…2 via suicide…so I care and appreciate this dialog, sirs.
    (One young survivor got away from spray painting cars etc, and stopped hearing "clicking sounds" in his head after a few years of not painting) (another friend had contracted lyme disease, and refused medicine until he shot himself…also his wife had left him a few years before)

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