1. Thanks man, I have been having trouble sticking to this change I want to make…quitting for a week or a few days and then going back. I realize after watching this that support is something I am very much lacking, as almost all of the people in my circle are smokers. So thanks for the encouragement!!🙏

  2. Man I've been smoking for 60 years and I really want to try to quit but after this much time of smoking over and over and over again usually I go maybe 2 to 3 days and after that I just can't I have to run back to marijuana it is so hard to quit it's a mental addiction put your program gave me a lot of Hope so I'm going to keep trying it is so nice to see somebody finally get over to the other side

  3. I am on day 4 of no weed and no alcohol.. I don't feel so bad, just a bit out of sorts. I am really motivated to give it up for good. I hope in a month my sleeping starts to improve

  4. When I smoke, I will get bloated because of the smoke? Hhahhahh oh my god where did you read this ahahhaha please give me a source, it sounds like full-fledged bro science

  5. I quit for a few weeks and I felt so much better mentally and physically. Friends try to tell me it’s no big deal smoke if u wanna smoke but my conscious tells me they are wrong. Being sober made me see the light.

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