a normal day with our house rabbit

bunny#rabbit cute little Binky bunny rabbit does his normal thing now he feels better. staris are the most fun. he runs round like …


  1. Binky is fully recovered now and shows you by running up and down the stairs. Still shedding so is Cleo she never really looks like she is shedding until brushed or she gets near my clothes and covers them in fur.
    Cleo still has me on house arrest but I have had a better day.
    Take care and stay warm.
    Love, purrs, cuddles and kisses

  2. Such pretty fur shades Binky, and gray shimmer for your beautiful eyes 😍Binky’s back to work, doing a house inspection now that he’s feeling better😄💕

  3. Yes Binky with your fabulous grey shimmer eyes 👀
    If Binky had a song it would be……
    I'm too sexy (right said fred) that would definitely be Binkys song 🤩 wow ! he can get up those stairs fast the little fluffy racer 😉

  4. Binky running up and down stairs, aww, you know he’s feeling well. And he’s still shedding!? Yep. My BeBe should be bald by now — shedding heavily since Christmas. What is this all about!? Climate change? 😂😂

  5. Good Morning Binky Bunny. Kirby 🐇 & I see that you are doing your daily work out. When we get up in the morning he will run circles around me until I Feed him. Then he will use his litter box. Eating again his Hay. Play with the 3 way tunnel. Do his Bunny Flop and go to Sleep 💤. He will Sleep 💤 most of the day and wake me up at night running around and Chewing on his Palm Leaf bowls.😜🤗💞😍🥬🐰🍌

  6. It looks like, Binky Bunny 🐰🐇 is the
    Man of the House 😹👍.
    Also, does Binky Bunny 🐰🐇 have a girlfriend 🐰🐇😍💋❤️🌹 for Valentine's Day ❤️🌹?

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