Cannabis Expert Shares Biggest Concerns about Delta 8

Cannabis expert Dr. Sherry Yafai shares her biggest concerns about Delta 8 is that it’s not regulated and it’s very accessible.


  1. She isn’t much of an expert if she thinks there is no 3rd party testing, and she is saying Delta 8 and Delta 9 are same strength!! Hahaha. Wow! Proof you can’t trust “the experts”! D9 THC is a major cannabinol where D8 is a minor cannabinol (meaning it takes more to get the potency)! She doesn’t understand the various cannabinols, and her expertise is on in Cannabis D9. She has no clue about the realities of the industry outside her niche. Sad

  2. The biggest part thing I hate about Delta 8 is that withdrawal symptoms really suck when it comes to Everyday smokers. I don't see a lot of other negative aspects that come with this substance, however it is incredibly hard to concentrate academically while using delta-8 consecutively.

  3. Hello my people. I was taking does gummys for 5 month. Im out of Hospital today. I Stop taking them like 8 days ago. And its because of them my health has been deteriorate. I have sever stomach issue and pain that doesn't go away that fast, heart problem. And OMG , im only 32 years old. I was in the Emergency room twice already. I was 1 min away from dying. Still I cant function right. I have sever vision problem , hair lose, sever skin problem. Please im begging all of you not to take them. From taking 2 gummys in a day, i went up to 6 gummys. They're highly addictive

  4. This is a very poorly informed video that is leaning on fear, uncertainty, and doubt. I would not be surprised to discover that this was funded by the cannabis industry, who is frustrated that a less regulated product is now competing with them for market share.

  5. Misinformation and scare tactics don't really work anymore. I like how she said it's synthetic. It's not, but the drugs all of the doctors push are… so why would you possibly choose to use that argument against it.

  6. Why so much negativity? Her main concern isn't stopping you from getting high. It's the mass marketing of a synthetic drug that lacks substantial research and regulation like similar illicit substances.

    And for the people claiming theyre confident the testing is being done and it's safe. Who is telling you this? The companies selling the products? The websites with affiliate links to those companies?

    Just think about it and be honest with yourself . Who seems more do concerned with your health? The doctor asking for more research and regulations for illicit substances or the companies promising a weed like high that's third party tested, here's a link to a PDF that means nothing to you.

    I'm all for some bud to chill and help deal with some stress. And of course medical purposes. But these Delta companies are as bad as Big Tobacco.

    They're getting away with what they can while they can and don't care what long term damage may occur on your account.

  7. Shows like The Doctors really just prey on parents' and stay-at-home moms' fears without really providing much information. So much of what Dr. Yafai has said in this segment is either disingenuous, misleading, or flat-out false. Spouting numbers, trying to scare viewers by claiming one dose of Delta 8 is "as high as" 25 milligrams while comparing it to THC (claiming that 10 mg is a "professional" dose; what is that supposed to mean?). This doctor should know that, in medicine and science, numbers don't mean anything. 1 mg of LSD may not sound like much, but that's between four and ten times a standard dose. On the other hand, 500 mg of tylenol sounds like a lot in comparison, but that in and of itself is a standard pain relief/antipyretic dose. It is immoral and just downright wrong that she would come on this program (which itself is kind of a crock meant to just feed moral panics and sell products) and spout all this bullshit just to scare people about something that's new, while also completely ignoring the very present and very real dangers of alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, and so many other things. Sickening.

    Shame on you, Dr. Yafai.

  8. "What happens when teengers get a hold of delta 8? and abuse it?"

    What happens if they get a hold of real weed, juuls, dip, cigarettes, alcohol, mushrooms, pills, etc? This is the same argument my state used to keep real bud illegal lmao. How does this argument even hold up or work?

  9. I came here because I’m concerned about delta 8 regulation. I’m disappointed in how bias this is. She fails to address the possibility that 25 mg of delta 8 THC is not equivalent to 10 mg of delta 9 THC. I am very sensitive to regular THC (delta 9). 10 mg of delta 9 will mess me up. 20 mg of delta 8 gives me a good stable high that’s not overwhelming like 10 mg of delta 9.

    Objectively speaking, it’s like saying Adderall 30 mg XR is equal to Vyvanse 30 mg. Yeah, both are amphetamines, BUT they are not the same chemical composition. Adderall is dextroamphetamine AND Levi amphetamine. As opposed to Vyvanse, which is just Dextroamphetamine.

    Additionally, Vyvanse has a lower potency. To get a Vyvanse equivalent dosage to 30 MG XR of Adderall, it would need to be at least 50 MG of Vyvanse!

    Coming back to my point, this SAME logic applies to delta 8 versus delta 9!!!!

    If you want to call yourself a doctor, be objective. I’m very disappointed in this video.

  10. So far heard the first few seconds of this video and its already hard to listen .

    Delta 8 is just simply a changed form of natural cannabis and no its not like k2 because that was man made this is modified synthetically but it still has the same structure of the natural state of cannabis but just one molecule changed. With this change it allows us to consume a lower concentrated form of cannabis .

    Meaning this is like the beer version of alcohol and its meant to control the high you want better . There is now an option for new consumers to try out cannabis for the first time .

    The problem with delta 8 currently is its not regulated which you can argue is a good or bad thing . But I say the lack of knowledge of what to get and where to get d8 is the main issue here.

    On the top of my head 3chi, skyhio, cannaclear , refferbay are trust worthy because they have been lab tested by many different companies.

    This is the simplest way I can explain those so again get Delta 8 from trusted sources and you should be fine .

  11. This is so biased lol. Bottom line is that delta 8 is just another thc compound found and extracted from the hemp plant and cbd. That's how it is legal because it comes from the hemp plant. Definitely not anymore dangerous than your regular weed is gonna be.

  12. Delta 8 is fucking horrible i got addicted to the gas station carts they have some weird pesticides or some shit in it had such bad withdrawals puking sweating appetite ducking disugusting nobody really knows what's in this shit and it's way more addicting than weed bc it's not just the in it there's hallucinagetics and pesticides!!!

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