Ugh no, hemp and Marijuana are both the same. Cannibus sativa, indica or hybrid. They are different strains of the same plant. It's more like comparing apples. All are apples but some are sweet and soft and some are firm and sour. Different strains have different characteristics. You can get high Thc and cbd plants. Cbd is great used like any other medicinal herb. It's been observed that it works better when combined with a keto diet.
I love CBD. I use it myself. It's legal to grow where I live. It really helps with pain and anxiety for me. I currently have an ancient chihuahua that's about to take the trip. 😥 Shes so old she's blind with no teeth and heart failing. She won't be here much longer.
Our dog has benefited so much from CBD. We give him dog treats from eden's herbals!
Ugh no, hemp and Marijuana are both the same. Cannibus sativa, indica or hybrid. They are different strains of the same plant. It's more like comparing apples. All are apples but some are sweet and soft and some are firm and sour. Different strains have different characteristics. You can get high Thc and cbd plants. Cbd is great used like any other medicinal herb. It's been observed that it works better when combined with a keto diet.
I love CBD. I use it myself. It's legal to grow where I live. It really helps with pain and anxiety for me. I currently have an ancient chihuahua that's about to take the trip. 😥 Shes so old she's blind with no teeth and heart failing. She won't be here much longer.
Let's see. Drug your pets, or feed them meat. Such a difficult decision!