Concerns Rise Following Push for Recreational Marijuana Use in Delaware

The bill that would legalize recreational marijuana use in Delaware took one step closer to becoming law, but city leaders have …


  1. Delaware has higher priorities than legalizing pot. It is everywhere and it smells really bad. Marijuana is worse for the lungs than tobacco and it really doesn't have any health benefits.

  2. Legislators just don't make any sense…Other states have created the blueprint for the state "late comers" it's all backward and reporters fail to ask the hard questions. Our team seeks to interview the legislators and patient advocates.

  3. The politicians Legislative hall in Dover should stop caving to the Prison industrial complex 70% of Delaware voters Support Legalizing Recreational Marijuana.

  4. All of your questions can be answered by the states that already have rec marijuana legal. It's legal here in Oregon and we don't have any issues. People have no idea the different strains there are. Some don't get you high. Some helps with body pain without the head high. God made plants to help us. Marijuana is a plant that can help so many people. I am 63. I have chronic pain. I've lived with it for 40 yrs. When it became legal I started using it. You can't try one and not like the effects of it so you stop altogether . Like I said, there are a lot of different strains to try until you find what works for you.If you don't want to use it then don't, but don't take away others rights to use it.

  5. Resistance is futile; Truth is inevitable.
    🎵Lyrics by me; Let's throw somebody in a dungeon who hasn't committed a crime, let's show everyone the evil of our statist minds. it's a sick mentality it's truly gross, slinging inaccurate adjectives slandering peaceful folks,
    Painting ugly pictures with tongues as knives, they take what they want and kill when they like. Once I was a boy now I see as as a man certain death follows those who cross the blue clan
    🎵They have hardened their hearts in greed and convenience, hardened hearts heeded, oppressive souls divide, who's faith is in money, who's belief is of pride; may your wicked feet stumble, as your twisted tongues tie, deceiving my people, destroying lives; righteous tongues might befall your faltering power, you're a gluttonous gear of a murderous tower; mechanics of the machine that further destroy; fear the Lord God almighty lest your lineage die.

    I wrote this for your deceitful house of vipers.

  6. The fact that the government thinks that they should be able to tax marijuana require people to pay for a license or get a doctor's note before obtaining a plant they could normally grow in their own damn yard for free is gross. May the Ill gotten gains of tyrants drown them in the light of morality.

  7. Maryland across the border will have recreational marijuana before the year end. But the Delaware Democrats don't want it's state residents to be able to make safe purchases or to a add a new tax source of revenue from it's sale.

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