1. visit DR.AJAKAJA on YouTube today for your glaucoma permanent cure and any other deadly disease like HPV.HIV.WART.FIBROID.URTICARIA.VITILIGO.ETC.

  2. 😘😘Being Recommended To @drode on his YouTube channel was a blessing after years of battling with glaucoma I have finally been cured, All Thanks Doc God bless you🙏🏿♥️

  3. i got cured of Glaucoma by a herbal doctor after taking his medicine he sent to me here in USA,when i went for a checkup my doctor confirmed that the virus don't longer exist in my body system.i was so happy because i have spent a lot of money on different medical hospitals until God sent Dr Olataki to cure me. You can contact him via whats app on

    +2347040226311 or email him on Drolataki@gmail.com and get rid of that virus out of your body system.he can also cure related infections like..hepatitis B, herpes diabetes e.t.c..he is a very honest man,am a living testimony.

  4. Look people if there is a god he or she put this magical plant here for us all to use!?! This magical plant should never have been made illegal anywhere on our beautiful planet!?!

  5. Marijuana has not kept any glaucoma patients from going blind. Marijuana may reduce pressure for short periods but studies show it does nothing to change the progression or outcome of the disease. Sorry marijuana worshipers!

  6. My nose is crooked to the left and thus my right pupil gets dialated more than my left and I fear this will lead to glaucoma bc my eye gets irritated. The only solution to me is correcting my crooked nose so then my eyes have the same focus.

  7. I got pot oil I'm my eye once and it sucked. just as bad as bud in the eye. If they can make an eye drop that would be cool though. I have a ten year old cat that seems to have some sort of degenerative eye disease and would love to treat it without 4 grand out of my pocket at once, like if its 4 grand over the course of years from buying a monthly bottle of eye drops would be better.

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