DOES MEDICAL CANNABIS WORK? What's Truth About Medicine and CBD Supplements – Dr Gill

DOES MEDICAL CANNABIS WORK? What’s Truth About Medicine and CBD Supplements – Dr Gill CBD Supplements and …


  1. I appreciate your commitment to an impartial assessment of this popular drug. I would welcome further videos on CBD. For the record I have tried tried it for anxiety and sleep and found it moderately helpful. However I found my concentration suffered somewhat. Probably best to use at bedtime after the day's tasks are done. Also I found its costs fairly high for 40 mg a day and hence not very affordable. Getting good exercise is free and hence a better long term approach for me.

  2. I have ADHD and ASD, and CBD has absolutely changed my life, I can operate in the world without becoming over stimulated and having my mental health absolutely destroyed, I have lost weight, I have been more mentally stable, and I sleep much better at night. I was very skeptical at the beginning, but I was DESPERATE, I was going absolutely insane and I was willing to try anything, and I picked up bottle of CBD oil and followed a few suggestions I found on ASD forums, and man oh man, what a difference, wonderful stuff, love CBD. THC is not as pleasant to me, sadly.

  3. As somebody who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in September at the tender age of 32, I can say that the majority of first line treatments haven't been as effective as I would have liked them to be, boasting various side effects. I have in my possession some medical cannabis that has been prescribed to me in the form of oils. I have not began this treatment of medicinal cannabis (That is both CBD and THC combined and controlled by my clinicians and consultant so I know I am in good hands) because I want to get some blood tests over me in the next few days so we all have a baseline of my current DMT treatment. This is all happening within the UK by the way.

    I requested that you considered making a Multiple Sclerosis video in a previous comment section but I'm sure you either missed it, or have a ton of other projects you are working on; this topic is something also close to my heart as I am beginning this venture for my own quality of life. As somebody who does not partake in weed/cannabis/marijuana recreationally, I am extremely hopeful that it can benefit me and keep my condition at bay. I am 32 and struggle with basic things, which is embarrassing to explain to people, let alone live with it.

    I would request that more information on the CBD AND THC side of things are investigated for the next video or a future one. I am under the impression that, medicinally, CBD oil and THC work with restorative benefits when combined together, or so many have informed me.

    I really hope that you read this Dr. Gill… I have been a subscriber for years now and get a lot out of your videos. If anything, I want to pass on my thanks for both the entertainment and informative nature of your content; Godspeed Dr. Gill! <3

  4. I highly recommend watching videos by Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience at the university of California Berkeley. He talks indepth regarding the effects of CBD/Cannabis and what affect it can impose on our habits and sleep patterns.

    Anything that interupts the natural evolutionary process of sleep and its stages e.g. rem & deep sleep, are highly suspect and need the utmost scientific expreimentations. I'm undecided on this issue as there are pros and cons to each side. Thank you Dr Gill

  5. How come nobody talks about anandamide the sanskrit word for bliss , Raphael Mechoulam discovered this but not doctor is educated in this , I feel all doctors that have a opinion on cannabis should look in to this first blessed be

  6. it would be fair for you to be more neutral when you facilitate so much prescription benzos and you should really tell people not to drink alcohol with the tablets but they all do and you know that

  7. I drink a THC infused seltzer every night. Only 5%. I refuse to smoke pot. I don't want anything in my lungs. It has helped me tremendously with my sleep and "night anxiety." It doesn't impair me, just gives me a good night sleep.

  8. But you giving this topic the intellectual respect it deserves is absolutely amazing and regardless of if I agree with your position or not, just the fact that you are willing to discuss it with respect is what we need more of

  9. But a little bit of a caviat, CBD doesn't activate without THC so all CBD has THC in it but only enough to activate it and thus is why you'll see on a CBD bottle that it says something along the lines of 0.4% THC or something like that, and its so the CBD can be active in your body, not enough to get you high or anything so don't let that scare you away from CBD

  10. As someone who's smoked cannabis for a decade I would 100% agree smoking ANYTHING hurts your body but there are many extracts and "medicines" were getting on the back end of cannabis that do not require you to smoke it, such as oils and eatables and lotions and the such

  11. Although this falls under rheumatology, what is your opinion on Turmeric/Curcumin/Boswelia Extract as a TNF-a blocker or general cytokine reducer. There are a few studies I've found below to support the use of as well. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been found to inhibit TNF-alpha in several studies, including one published in the Journal of Clinical Immunology (Shishodia et al., 2005). Another study, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Chandran and Goel, 2012), found that curcumin has potential as an inhibitor of IL-23. Another herb, Boswellia serrata, has been found to inhibit TNF-alpha in a study published in the International Journal of Rheumatology (Sengupta et al., 2011). Large amounts of research won't be done because it is not "profitable", but I feel it's just as promising. However, it is dismissed as snake oil like you mentioned about Cannabis.

  12. Great vid. My anecdotal experience taking CBD capsules and vaping CBD for PTSD, anxiety didn't make much, if any difference. It certainly didn't benefit my sleep to my knowledge, my smart watch showed less deep sleep but that's it. Also expensive… Maybe I didn't take enough for long enough. I also occasionally tried certain heavier drugs in my early 20s (speed, cocaine) which had no noticable effect on me but did on others in my vicinity so πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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