1. Just seeing this on the 3rd but I'm gonna try a 3 day fast this month and go from there. I love the show alone too haha I always thought if I could be on the show could I bring a sack of Redmond real salt and hope I get a prime spot for fishing. Anyway thanks for the encouragement and content. Nothing but love 🥩🥩🥩

  2. Catching up with your videos, I have been ill since the holidays. Count me in, started yesterday too. I was inspired to rotate water fast for February too, since my appetite has been really low, better to fast and get the benefits. I lost my first 90 pounds intermittent fasting and extended fasts with walking. I have done many extended fasts over my life. Tips for beginning of extended fast ,allow as a bridge 1 teaspoon(not tablespoon) of fat with or without warm water or coffee. This with a sprinkle of salt can help if you are having extreme symptoms and won't kick you out of ketosis. You can use butter,tallow, codliver oil (for non carnivores olive oil ,castor oil,or coconut oil). Another tip for longer extended fasts(3 days or more) if feeling toxic you can take a tablespoon of castor oil and teaspoon of salt in warm water and it will stimulate the bowls. Castor oil is very thick and has no taste. You have had a ton of stuff happen this past month, Congrats on the New grandbaby!

  3. Just be sure to break your fast properly. Gentle, light, and slow…
    I'm betting that you already did research on this, but wanted to say it just in case. You got this, Larry! 💜

  4. I did the whole fasting thing many times …. Beware it can screw up hormones and defeat all your trying to do . Try listening to binaural music when you go to sleep and meditate to it ! It’s miraculous lowers cortisol which then enables weight fat loss without fasting or taking out food groups ☺️🙏

  5. Fasting to break a stall can create even more stress …. When hormones including stress hormone cortisol it will prevent weight loss . Deal with stress to break a stall … don’t stress your body more . Imho that’s been my personal experience. Being in ketosis so much is a constant stress . Exercise creates AUTOPHAGY too not just fasting ! My husband got a dexascan and it looked perfect after eating fruit , some veggies, along with meat , eggs , dairy . So you do not have to be full on carnivore to achieve optimal health goals ( my husband is 58 )

  6. I'm in! I will take the Cassie approach and commit to a fast of at least 24 hours, and more if possible, once a week. I used to do it a few years ago, but haven't done it since I started ketovore a year ago. Since then, I've only done 16/8… Thanks for motivating me!

  7. Today February 1st 5 pm. Dinner finished dishes done. Maybe I will go make some meals to have ready for the others in my household that think they need to eat everyday. My birthday is the 27th maybe I can make this the weirdest birthday gift I have given myself. 🤞🤞🤞 This mornings weight was 202.2 maybe that is a good sign.

  8. I'm in I only eat 1 meal a day all carnivore, so I will start Feb 1 eating my one meal and then I will not eat again until Feb 3 one meal so basically I will eat every other day 1 meal, I am female 74 and on a quest to reverse the aging process, so far it has been working just doing carnivore for 3 yrs, eating 1 meal a day. My daughter and I were food shopping she was in front of me at the check out I was behind her putting my food on the conveyor belt when the girl asked my daughter hey would you like me to put your sisters food in with yours , my daughter said my sister, THAT's my mother , I gave the girls the thumbs up and everyone started laughing , now my daughter is 53 menopause overweight, and I am 74 will be 75 in April, and this has happened 5 different times when with her, another time we were going into an antique sale which was on many acres of land so when we stopped to pay, usually seniors get in free, so when the girl waited for my daughter to pay for me she said my mother is a senior she's free right the girl said yeah really I don't believe it show me your license please. So I am hoping my daughter will get with the program , trust me when I was her age if my mother who was sick fat and out of shape looked like I do when she was 75 i would of been thrilled or maybe not, if i was out of shape like my daughter maybe it would been jealous, I don't know, but anyone out there start while your young I wish I would have know about all this in my 50's .

  9. I just completed a 7 day water fast on Monday the 30th. I have been intermittent fasting for a few years and not achieving the health results I hoped I would. My Dearly Devoted went carnivore a little over a year ago and he dropped the excess weight and gained back the energy from his 30’s. I am listening to all the carnivore channels to get a better understanding of what I can expect as a female on carnivore. I was never a heavy meat eater and so this is a giant leap for me. I will be following along to see how this February fast works out for you. Wishing you a successful journey!

  10. I have been eating OMAD since June 28th and my daughter is joining me on carnivore for the month of February… so exciting. Going to join you and commit to a 72 hour fast. Praying🧎‍♀️the Lord Blesses you on your 15 day fasting journey or for however long it's meant to be! God Bless you both💜✝️

  11. I’m doing carnivore to get healthy and lose weight. I got the eros scale for xmas for my husband. Amazing data. Kiss that fancy and expensive machine at the gym goodbye. I can see if I’m drinking enough water, building muscle, losing fat or visceral fat. My protein has increased on carnivore and my water has gone down. May be time to add electrolytes and salt.

  12. Hello God bless you and your family. I have to tell you guys something I was in stage 4 kidney failure. Now I am in 3 stage by just having meat and eggs I pray to God to reach to 2 . I’ll keep you guys updated on my Health of and by the way I am 81 years old.

  13. I have done many long extended water fasts, 21 days was my longest. What’s weird is that I find them so much easier to do than a 36-48hr fast. They have changed my health, life and mind!! Here’s to Fast February!!

  14. I know some who does 40 day fasts two to three times a year. They said they really have to drink saltwater or they feel awful. They also drink electrolyte water. I can't wait to see the results for you. This is going to be so helpful and informative for everyone. Thank you.

  15. I am celebrating doing carnivore 100% for 31days!!! My very first time to commit to such a thing. I have been learning about this since Oct… only once in Dec I ended up with the keto flu..caused me to dig deeper. Tonight you mentioned if you did this for 30 days you are most likely fat adapted. Green light for me! I’m jumping in and committing to 24 hr water fast one time a week. If it is amazing I just might do it till my body says quit! I love how all my cravings for sugar are gone!!!! I really only want to eat 1x a day now. Its delicious and satiating! I lost 7 pounds in January and probably 1-2 sizes in clothes! It seems to remodel your body. Pretty fun!

  16. You’re guys are the best and so encouraging! I’m in. I’l be doing a 4 day water fast starting 2/1 -2/4 Then alternate 24 -36 hr fast for month of February. 🙌🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾

  17. I finally decided to give full carnivore a try this month. I’d been looking at it for a while. I only had 4 ketovore “cheats” and I’m okay with that. I’ve been keto on and off for 3 years.

    So in your fasting experiments in February I’d also try a week or so doing alternate day fasting. On my eat days I either do one huge OMAD, or I’ll do a butter and protein snack around 3-4pm then walk the dog a few miles and then have my dinner within 3-4 hours. If you set it up well it’s like you get 2 day fasts in between meals but still eat every other day so it doesn’t feel as long. I lost 19 lbs in january carnivore/alternate day IF. 245-226 5’9 here.

    Fun facts:
    You can expect to lose about .5-.75 lbs /day of fasting depending on your metabolic rate.

    Barbieri is the Guinness world record holder for longest fast, they have since discontinued the category because they don’t want to encourage anyone to attempt to beat it.

    Rooting for you on the fasting however you do it.

  18. Good luck to both of you. I'm eating once a day right now but I'll join you for some fasting days during February. I'll just need to finish my Instant pot chuck roast. Yummy!! Thanks for the challenge, it inspires me to change things up a bit. Be well.

  19. I already normally fast 16-18 hours a day. I used to do 20/4 but lost most of my weight and started eating more often so I wouldn’t lose too much. So now I’ve gained a few pounds (ugh) and will be joining everyone for at least one 24 hour fast a week in February. Let’s do it!

  20. I got faith in ya I know y’all can do it. 😊 I already do omad so I’m gunning for at least one 48hr a week to work towards rolling 48s this month really looking forward to body recomp.

  21. I've been on 3,5 &7 day fasts. I did a 7 day December. I always gain any weight loss immediately once I start carnivor again. So don't expect to keep off those pounds unless you go for several months. Do it for health benefits not weight loss. Good luck.

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