1. So you allow Beshear to have his comments on marijuana because he dictates our lives, but you disable comments from the general public in recent videos that are about large sums of marijuana being seized? That's telling us you are clearly bought and controlling.. All I have to do is print out rosters with evidence of names of every person who I know AND Don't know (won't be hard to find I promise); smokes marijuana extending from medicinal to recreational. And you know what will happen if I was to do that? 80% of the government workforce themselves would be fired. Including some of your staff. Some of Beshear's own fam smokes and it's a known fact in small towns….we know each other and who does and doesn't do things. But God forbid cancer patients, assault victims & other survivors having the right to medicate on something that isn't addictive. You continuously choose to pick those ppl over us…what do you think will end up happening to those job positions you're selling out for? You and every one of us are replaceable.

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