Hannah Ferrier Defends Her ‘CBD’ Vape Pen Claim | WWHL

Hannah Ferrier from “Below Deck Mediterranean” sticks by her story that the vape pen she had was only a CBD cartridge and not …


  1. I understand Captain Sandy's position a 100% percent, Hannah deserved to be fired, but Malia weaponized what she found, she was exacting revenge over the room stuff. And the THC pen can be used for CBD if the cartridge is interchangeable, only grandpas don't know that.

  2. It’s totally understandable than Hannah should have followed the procedures to have that on board. And Captain wasn’t happy that this was under her nose and could’ve gotten in trouble for it. That’s all perfectly normal. But they could have given Hannah a warning, told her to get rid of it or get the required documents. Hannah’s been in the industry for so long, at least respect her seniority and not outcast her and FIRE her like that. It was too harsh of a punishment

  3. Leave her alone I can't stand malia she is a trouble maker if she didn't have the room switching problem this won't have happened she is a cry baby u could have lived without your man for 2 weeks I can't stand the captain either if it was me I would have gave her a drug test plan and simple

  4. For the record it doesn’t matter if it’s CBD or THC. The vessel was Maltese flagged and Malta doesn’t differentiate between any hemp based product. Both are illegal under Maltese law.

  5. The problem is that these people know Coast Guard laws coast guard regulations the captains always right the captain has the last say and the only say because it's his license or her license the federal government has not acknowledged that smoking pot and CBD oil is legal documented vessel Coast Guard Maritime jurisdiction you go by that law you know the law of maritime there is no gray area and the first officer is supposed to have papers from a Maritime Academy or a coast guard license all they are is a bunch of actors as real as the captain and I think the rest of the way they act they're just acting I spent 25 years on boats and Iran boats but a bunch of dumb dumb children

  6. Malia is a little narc. She handled the whole situation with Hannah in a vindictive way. If she wanted to be professional and show compassion, she would have confronted Hannah OFF CAMERA and out of the range of the microphone to discuss what she discovered. She could've asked for a prescription or at least an explanation, taking into account that Valium can be obtained OTC around the world. But she didn't. Instead she went running to Capt. Sandy announcing it to every camera and microphone she could for the sole purpose of getting back at Hannah.

    As poorly as Capt. Sandy handled the cabin situation, she really had no choice but to terminate Hannah. Malia had backed her into a corner. She would've looked bad if she hadn't fired Hannah for something which was allegedly so bad. Malia kept whining, "I could lose my license…". On a side note, that is BS. An industry insider posted the section of the Maritime Law that applies and it contradicted Sandy and Malia. Also, yacht seizures like they mentioned only occur if there are controlled substances of a certain quantity. A few pills of low dose benzodiazepines do not qualify, nor does a tiny amount of CBD (or THC for that matter) for anxiety. In addition, it is against Maritime Law for Malia to have gone through Hannah’s purse. Only the captain can do that, and only with a witness.

    When it all is said and done, had Malia taken this information to Capt. Sandy surreptitiously, once again OFF CAMERA, then perhaps everything could've been resolved without having to fire Hannah. But clearly, that was not Malia's objective…no Bravo's, it seems.

  7. Hannah should sue for making her look like a drug addict for having freaking valium which in half Europe you can get it practically without prescription… its insulting, its hurtful and plain ignorant. Their attitudes towards it, demonstrate a lack of professionalism and empathy. The fact that the captain not only engages but takes the lead in this circus is preposterous and idiotic. How is that not looked upon/penalized.

  8. Hey apparently having a cbd pen for anxiety in yatching is illegal but getting wasted af with hard liquors and being aggressive towards others and abusive towards your female coworkers (as the 50% of males in this reality show did) is not. The hippocresy of it all

  9. Although emotionally invested in Hannah over the various seasons and initially aggrieved by the way Malia ruthlessly "threw her under the bus" to ensure she would be fired – I must say, the crew is more professional without her. The atmosphere is better on the yacht and Bugsy is doing an excellent job as CS. She manages and leads her team by high example. Malia is superb as Bosun doing her job flawlessly. Sandy is focused on providing the clients with a 5 star experience and nothing less is acceptable. Quite right. In short, Hannah had lost her mojo as CS and it was time to move on.

  10. I loved to watch below deck but stopped watching it now can’t watch Sandy and malia it is boring watching those two malia always kissing her boyfriend that should not be allowed when they are working

  11. That cartridge is not refillable. She broke the rules… and border laws. Most of you are arguing on a moral basis. she was fired on a legal basis.

  12. Once a snake always a snake.. it's funny how someone get set up and sacked on the spot rather then sorting it out in a different manner that works for everyone just because miss snake wanted the cabin for her and her tea leaf bf….and she would have known about the valium days before she grassed her in which should be a sackable offence for her aswell for keeping quiet about it and for a Captain and bosun of a ship to allow the crew to work onboard during charter on open water working with equipment and being responsible for the charter guests' safety onboard whilst still drunk from the night before and not being breathalysed before duties is irresponsible and illegal in it's own in my view..bad leadership if you ask me..🤔🤔🐍🐍

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