How to Germinate a Hemp Seed

Maximize your germination success with with these common seed starting techniques. A Big thanks to AC Infinity for sponsoring …


  1. I've germinated a seed using the paper towel method…and it also germinated..but the tap root is not even 1 cm long…should I plant in in the medium or let it be in the ziplock bag for a few more days????

  2. An important tip is to moisten your medium before adding the seed because you can easily wash it way down. A seed needs basically 2 things to germinate… Warmth and moisture. No need for a light until it breaks the surface

  3. I put mine in a black plastic pill bottle with 2ml clonex,2ml root hormone and 4ml of hydrogen peroxide with 85 ml of distilled water for 72 hrs or until taproot breaks the seed open then press it into Coco coir worm castings 50 50 mix right to surface level.I have a 100 percent germination rate now!

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