North Carolina General Assembly will revisit medical marijuana

Medical marijuana is back up for debate in the North Carolina General Assembly. Senator Bill Rabon’s Compassionate Care Act …


  1. 10 producers is asking for big cannabis to come in and take more money out of NC. Why not let the great growers our state already has benefit and keep that wealth inside NC. Or else we will be taken over by pop ups from out of state.

  2. Set limits on the size any producer can be. Have strict quality standards and setup labs across the state to test. And don't limit access to a few places in the state. Allow producers to start fulfilling the huge demand in NC months after passage. Don't slow our state from profiting. Virginia tried to slow roll it out and you can't. If you want the tax dollars make it easy for dispensaries and producers to get started.

  3. The bill they are proposing now is not pro- North Carolinians. 👎. We can’t settle on this. The barrier to entry can’t be $100k for licensing…at the same time we can’t have everyone and their grandmother licensed either.

  4. Frankly, it's embarrassing that cannabis is still illegal. But public policy isn't decided by public opinion, policy is decided by rich lobbyists.

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