Nosodes for Dogs with Dr. Todd Cooney of Natural Animal Consulting

With most conventional veterinarians pushing annual boosters of vaccines, many pet parents are worried about over-vaccination.


  1. Started nosodes many years ago when a bitch Rough Collie reacted to Kavak live parvo vaccine, learnt a lot with George Macleod then in 2008 I had to use rabies vaccine on 5 dogs coming back with me from Spain to the UK(none required moving there) . 2 dogs didn't take, their blood tests showed this apparently, so a small 11lb pekingese was given a second shot within 30 days and a young healthy male Borzoi. The pekingese developed a skin condition which stayed with her for the rest of her life, so despite being exhibited in Spain winning Very Goods and Excellents and a RCACIB and getting qualified for Crufts at Madrid Spring show she was no longer exhibited and tragically the Borzoi died a few days after the second rabies top up. All my dogs since have had no vaccines and just homeopathic nosodes and remedies. None of them have caught anything that was covered by vaccines.

  2. AMEN!!! LOVED THIS!! I stopped giving my dogs the Rabbie vaccine ..they got so many vaccines as puppies…😔 I wasn't aware back then..13 years ago…but I became awake ..when I lost 3 dogs in a row to cancer from the food & vaccines…( Food & Drug administration) and right the post cards in the mail ..😡 bring your dog in..for this shot…I switched to a Holistic Vet. My new Vet does not require this either. I just sign a waiver.

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