Phenobarbital in Dogs – the Best Epilepsy and Seizure Treatment? – Dog Health Vet Advice

Penobarbital is one of the most common drugs used in the treatment of dog epilepsy and to control seizures. Before starting, you …


  1. My 15 yo puggle just started having seizures (lasting 5 minutes or more). Obviously not epilepsy, probably a brain tumor. He also has dementia and is deaf. We've tried gabapentin and now on phenobarbital. Neither has helped. The seizures started a month apart, now they are a week apart. We don't know what to do. : ( Also, both drugs had the opposite effect on my dog. They both made him really hyper. I need a drug that will calm him down and stop him from constantly pacing, panting, barking at us and driving us crazy. We're at our wits end.

  2. Hello dr. Alex,
    My dog has a very bad seizures attacks many times a day, and unfortunately I am living in Jordan and I didnā€™t find any vet to help, is there any way to share with you a video for her to help me please?

  3. Would you please let me know about the condition called Tremor syndrome or Shaky White dog syndrome. My 13 year old male yorkie had his first tremor at 1 and then had about two to three episodes a year, specifically during pressure drops in spring and fall or when heā€™s too excited. Six months ago these tremors became more frequent and he has been making continuous swallowing sounds along with the full body tremor. They last approximately an hour but he is lucid and needs me to hold him. We now have him on 3.5 milligrams twice a day and heā€™s been wobbly every other day. We are on day 5. Would this tremor condition be epilepsy and also his repeated swallowing and tremors has stopped. Heā€™s extremely energetic, geriatric blood panel was done and heā€™s in perfect health blood wise. Iā€™m worried because the vet suggested a brain tumour but heā€™s not acting sick. Very hungry as usual, still yelling at the fence and killing bugs at night. Please help.

  4. My pup just started this medication on Friday evening. He had had a seizure that day around 450pm and started medication at 720pm then had another seizure at 930pm. My question is about "knuckling" my baby seems to be losing the ability to stand at times. You can see his front legs shake and sometimes buckle or even slide out from under him on tile. It's only the front ones but I'm really concerned. Is this something that should go away or something that's an emergency? I'm trying to get in with a specialist but I'll have to wait til the work week when they're in office.

  5. My Chi was seizing at least every 6 days, in January this year she had one every night for three nights in a row, the last one being 31st of Jan. 1st of Feb she was started on this and hasn't had a seizure since so far. I know they're probably not gone forever but it's so nice to not have her seizing so often!

  6. What about phenobarbital plus supplements like magnesium, taurine, theanine? I purchased calming bites and I was thinking if I give to him before he goes to bed ( he would get seizures 2am to 3 am usually) that this would help his brain activity along with the pheno.

  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS INFO! My 9 month beagle just had her seizure episodes three days ago. Her vet immediately prescribed phenobarbital. Itā€™s only about a day that my beagle has stopped having seizures but sheā€™s trembling always. Good thing I came across this vid and now Iā€™m less anxious about whatā€™s happening to her and now focused for her total recovery. Hopefully!!! šŸ˜Š

  8. I have an epileptic siberian husky. He was put on phenobarbital August 15th 2020. I rescued him August 1st 2020 when he was 9 1/2 months old. He is now 1 yr old and his seizures keep getting worse. He was put on kepra September 5th or 6th bc he had 5 seizures in 17 mins. We then asked the vet if it would be okay to put him on CBD about 2 months ago and i havent noticed a change. He has a seizure every sunday and thrusday except for today (Wednesday) he had one which was weird. He was abused and neglected before i got him. He has what his vet called a ā€œgrandma seizureā€. Which she was very concerned about bc she said dogs normally dont start having those types of seizures until they are 3-5 years old and for him it started at roughly 8 1/2 months. Are there better medications that i should ask my vet about putting him on. His seizures get scary bc once they start if we dont give him more phenobarbital then he will start having cluster seizures. Hes my first dog with epilepsy and i really dont want to euthanize him.

  9. Hi, our Jack Russell X Yorkshire Terrier has had seizures on and off since she was a pup. She is now 4 years old, and her seizures have become more frequent and severe so has been put on Phenobarbital and is being treated for epilepsy. We have also been given some rectal diazepam if she experiences a seizure which she is taking too long to recover from. We are after some general advice / and or otherā€™s experience of giving Phenobarbital and Diazepam to their dog? Is it really important to stick to the 12 hours in between doses? Any advice / shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advice.

  10. Hi, is sorbitol safe for dogs ? Is it less dangerous than xylitol ? I ordered fish omega oil for my 10yr old fur baby recently had seizure, it contains sorbitol. It's worrying me.

  11. I have small schipperke who has severe 5 minute seizure like clockwork every 3 months. He has been on zonisamide twice a day and we never miss a dose. I am starting him on pheno as an additional treatment as the other alternative is to do nothing which to me with the severity and length of these seizure every couple months even while on zonisamide seems to be something I should do.

  12. We just put our dog (who was having a 10-15 minute seizure every other day) on this medication and its been 3 weeks and she hasnā€™t had a seizure yet she has also has gotten more playful and it has helped with her anxiety as well. we have also missed a night on accident and she did not seize and was completely fine.

  13. I give milk thistle to support the liver for my Epi Chihuahua who is on Phenobarb. We have managed to achieve 100% seizure control on it, and in the 4 yrs he's been on it his liver has been fine, thankfully. In the beginning he was hungry, cried and whined, paced a lot and had ataxia and was wobbly and unable to jump etc, but within a week or two he was back to his usual self.

  14. My Newfoundland started having seizures in March and started phenoleptil 150 mg trice a day he was seizure free for 30 days but then had 4 in 3 hours he seems to get a bit restless about 1 1/2 hours before his tablet are due is it ok to give part of the dose before his due time

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