Police fire rubber bullets in JHB CBD

Police have been firing rubber bullets at protesters. Some businesses have since shut their doors. eNCA reporter Heidi Giokos is …


  1. South Africa.. please stop calling your black brothers foreigners

  2. HOW DOES A CHILD KNOW IF ONE IS DEAD,? THIS LADY STATEMENT SAYS THE CHILD CALLED HER using the words ( "mama a man is dead")Omnye will say" mama there is a man lying on the floor or steps".Even children now know if one lying on the ground / steps is dead?.You must be taken as the first witness.Tell please why must the police kill these? I believe they were there to arrest them.Swallowing drugs can( be comitting suicide.) A PERSON CAN DIE.Let police arrest you( dont swallow drugs or any dangerous poison.)

  3. What's This Police Shooting Young Black men??? It's unacceptable in this Scorching heat people must do without lights & water vote John Steinhuisen And Get This ANC Dinosaurs Out Of Power These Thugs only know violence ad gangsterism

  4. Whatever we say as black people regardless of the country we live in or born from we need to respect each other and every law placed on the table no matter how hungry or how much of a living we trying to make,because we brake laws in our countries go to other countries and expect to be treated like queens and kings,moral of the story someone's brother died yes its true we can't change that the law must take its cause right finish and klaar,now here is one thing I like to ask fellow African brothers and sisters what must it take for south africans to say or do for u guys to hear the cry south africans are crying when we say give us space to fix our broken country?bcos weather we like it or not we still having problems with white ppl holding tight the economy on their hands on the other hands our own black ppl are corrupt as fck and u guys are not helping with nothing but adding to our problems,am not condoning violence of any sort to anyone regardless whether south african or not we all need to benefit from this continent so pls as much we would have love to kick white ppl out of this country we can not do that we choose to live with and build this country to what u guys are trying to enjoy with us u most welcome but first let us clean our own mass then we can welcome u with open arms and marvel with u guys and build africa together how about that.

  5. I am so disappointed in the South African police, of course they is not going to be any justice as always the but remember that you killed someone's child or father and all those people are going to be crying for loosing him your own hands are dirty front of God and you deserve to be punished

  6. THe Police can say also they want justice for the police that are being killed Everytime. JUSTICE FOR ALL. IF WE can Stop these behavior of killing and of selling This nonsense we will live happy together . IF we cant stay together then you leave because it is dangerous now No ELECTRICITY missbehaving is getting worse. Better to live the children are getting involved in this shit whatt we are doing. THIS is not the way.

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