1. I've smoked various strains of weed and resign and oils for 50 + years, and stopped smoking 16 mths ago , resulting in putting on 4 stone in 4 weeks , body's gone into shock feeding on muscles to turn into fat to protect vital organs, be carefull stoned to stoned

  2. For those wondering if its a good idea to quit the simple answer is YES. Next week i'll be 3 months clean and I'm happier for no reason, its easy to save money now, toxic relationships are long gone, sleep is better. My tips are simple:
    You have to find natural dopamine replacements in order to not relapse or feel depressed. For me
    1. Music, music is always cool, high or not. Go back to those songs that move you.
    2. Exercise. If you already do, continue and set new goals. If you dont, now is the time to start, its better than you think!
    3. Food. Prepare yourself awesome dishes. Have desert. Go out to dinner with that girl you want (Shes been waiting for you to quit jeje)

  3. 17 years on bud smoking it everyday for 15 years now and trying my best to get off it 3 days in and I feel ill no sleep no motivation bad head aches its definitely addictive if you depend on it

  4. Interesting fact; The reason why when you stop smoking weed your dreams are so vivid is because while you consume THC derivates your deep sleep (REM) drastically reduce. Your brain will then sending inputs to other parts of your brain asking to produce more of certain hormones in order to have more REM sleep and this explains the reason why when someone stop smoking weed suddenly their dreams are vivid and the quality if rest increase. I love have my dreams back more than anything!

  5. In august my partner and I separated and I been very depressed since . In September I started to learn guitar to help cope with depression and quit weed at that time since I was focus on learning something new and I relapsed 5 times between sept and today and I feel I lost my motivation in learning guitar it was something always wanted to do since all my relapses in last few months I notice it killed my motivation to keep learning guitar it was a way to help me stay off weed also . I feel when I was off weed in sept I was so excited about guitar I even had a teacher and all had so much energy and the minute I started smoking again I feel so lazy and unmotivated to do anything and my depression makes it worse and I can’t seem to want to do nothing I don’t know how to cope with this or deal with this I been a weed smoker for 24 years I’m 41 now and really want to stop weed . Years ago I could do anything on weed accomplish all my goals but now I find it’s doing the opposite killing all my motivation and making everything worse I barley see anyone anymore I’m so stuck into a world of weed it’s not fun anymore I feel lonely and pushed many people away and all the excuses to get high help how do I get my motivation back to learn music and to get back to living life . I’m on day 1 of quitting I hope this time I can stay off and not have any triggers to start again . I’m feeling desperate it’s not easy to stay off long term how do I deal with this help

  6. Okayyyyy SOOO LIKE I’ve been smoking marijuana for 4-5 entire years since 2023… started I’ve smoked about 5-10 roll-ons I’m trying my best on breaking down the amount I smoke than stopping instantly but I’ve been having a lot of sleeping issues. Andddd irritation 🥲

  7. I've tried so many times but the people around me just even when I say I wanna stop and when they try to support me their support is very weak and they give in as i give in and i know i need to be strong amd im trying i just feel like im surrounded by a foundation of clay

  8. Tf? Since when does weed become more addictive if the THC is higher? That one is definitely a load of 🐂 💩
    I've noticed a huge difference in detox when I choose to detox myself vs when I'm forced to. Detoxing seems to be a hell of a lot easier when I choose to but when I'm forced to that's when my anger comes with the detoxing

  9. I’ve been addicted but I wouldn’t steal for it if I didn’t have money I was ass out but not crack head addicted to where I go around stealing from everyone for it lol

  10. I don't think that is that big of a deal. Each 2,5 years I need to get 100 days clean to pass through drug tests for my work. No big deal. Just go and do it if you want/need it.

  11. Day 1 here and sobbing and shaking right now. I find myself trying to educate myself so I can understand what my body is going through. I’m only young, 23, but have smoked since 14/15 and the last five years I found myself using to help with anxiety and depression and now I feel these symptoms rising as I sit in the bath sober.. I can do this but right now I am weak..

  12. Ever since I quit weed after 11 years, I’m closer with God I have a lot more energy and I don’t get panic attacks anymore. The government is evil for pushing this on our youth

  13. I’ve been smoking every day ever since i was 18. I’m about to turn 21 now and i wanna quit. It is really hard bc i live with my bf and he smokes and drinks a lot. If anyone can leave some motivation and focus on my goal to quit in the comments I’d really appreciate!

  14. Day 1 for me.. just sweaty and not being able to sleep.. i’ve been smoking it for almost 10 years now but I feel my life passing by. Got so used to the ‘weed’ version of me I forgot the real version of me .. Wish you all luck!

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