1. Gabriel triggered that girl so bad when he said don't go to divorced female councellors. She was emotional AF. Proof:

    19:00 "men's side is always taken first, even in divorce"

    then she changes her words to most of the time

    then she changes her words to a lot of…

    she does not know what she is talking about..

    she continues to change her words and shifting the goal posts.

    all credibility thrown out the window. She cannot be trusted since she cannot even handle listening to a "controversial" statement.

  2. اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ مَاشَاءَالله
    Very beneficial, it's good to understand the views and help that are available.
    جزاك اللهُ خيرً

  3. how impressed the sahaba would be that we share dawah platforms with women for the whole world to look at – what happened to removing that which encourages one to stare at a woman – but hey – lets put our sisters on youtube with a few daees and all is good.

  4. How do I meet a Muslim woman to marry in halal way ? I have no idea and my imaam jus told me to go to a different mosque that will introduced me to Muslim women looking to marry Muslim men ….however I’m revert and I’m not a virgin….so I would rather marry a non-virgin revert or perhaps a divorced Muslim woman over a virgin….I leave the Virgina for the virgins sorry if I’m being crude

  5. There is a clear tendency in this conversation that the men interrupt the women and take up more conversation time. The host in particular should pay attention to this, and not break out into his own long harangues as he does.

  6. Hey you muslms woman's who not Sister's or Nuns stop trying to dress like them Who copypasta wearing fake Head Veils because you copy Christian old idea Who try be all clean but Who are biggest sinner follow a crazy false God and crazy child molester prophet Muhammad Ya buddy 😎

  7. The only 2 pieces of advice anyone needs.

    1. Develop absolute unconditional trust in Allah.

    2. Make your goal in everything you do to seek the pleasure of Allah.

    Unconditional trust means not just trusting in Allah to do what you want Him to do but trusting that if you give your best effort Allah will give you the best outcome based on His infinite knowledge of the context you can't possibly know. So even when it doesn't go the way you perceive to be best you acknowledge based only on the fact that Allah chose this specific outcome that this outcome is best for you.

  8. I totally agree with full hijabi sister. May Allah bless her. Counselling, paying 100s of dollars is waste of time and waste of money. speak to someone close to you who is knowledgeable and sincere. No need to go to these shams who base their earning on giving marriage counsel.

  9. Thank you for this episode! I agree fully that Western therapy places too much emphasis on daddy issues or mom-blaming. I’ve seen too many divorces women blame their parents for raising them to be good, quiet wives. I also appreciate Br. Ali’s approach at 35:00– if my ex husband kept a buffer like that I would still be happily married living with in-laws. But he involved her daily, from the littlest thing and everything would get blown out of proportion until I was being insulted by 3 people at once over non-issues. It accumulated to too much after a year of living with his parents. The damage couldn’t be undone.

  10. MashAllah- its the first time I heard of brother Hijab, and I have a new found respect for him. Articulates well and respects the views of others. This talk was very beneficial.

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